Brawl Between Businesses

The group watched as the stares between the two suddenly intensified, wide grins full of pride plastered across their faces as they attempted to look down on each other. Taking a few more steps and standing barely a few centimetres apart, they stared at each other's eyes as their height was almost exactly the same. Being 5'9.

"What are you doing here you little shit? Don't you know that they need strong and sturdy materials?" The man asked in a stern tone, his muscles were tense as though he was about to pounce out at any moment. "Of course, that is, if you've decided to change the way you do business."

Getting a bit closer, their faces merely millimetres apart the man whispered quietly. "However, I wouldn't think that much of you. You yourself know the difference between the way we do business, you wouldn't stand a chance against me and my business, Risky Miners."

He pulled away his face before the woman stook another step forward, he left leg clearly going behind the man's legs. Bringing her face forward she whispered quietly into his ear. "Fuck off you old man, I wouldn't change business styles entirely for the reason that I wouldn't want to embarrass you."

The conversation and whisperings were clearly heard by the group with their superior senses. Turning their attention to the female soldier, the one that led them here they noticed she was scratching her head as her face was red. "Well, those two are the biggest material distributers in Atlanta. The man, Chris, is the owner of Risky Miners which specialise in distributing wood and stone materials. While the woman, Christina, is the owner of Fancy Fashions which specialises in clothing and furniture."

"Then why would she interject? She won't have the materials we need." Lachlan was confused by Christina's bizarre personality. Despite her being a more fashion-based business, she still wants to intervene and interfere with Chris's work which is so clearly different from hers.

The female soldier lightly chuckled as her face grew a few more shades of red. "Well, the reason is quite simply because they hate each other. And by that, I mean, if laws weren't a thing they would have already gone at each other's throats."

"Oh, why's that? They are apart of different fields in business, I don't see why they would be at each other's throats." Flynn was thoroughly interested in the reason behind their hatred for each other. Within his years of business, a large business would create plenty of rivals and enemies but that would only be with others in the field of specialty.

Fashion and construction were quite different from each other.

"Well, it's because those two were husband and wife." The female soldier dropped a bomb on them which was filled with sense. Looking back to the two arguing it did resemble a fight which couples would have. It also made sense as to why that, despite being in a different field, Christina would still want to interfere with Chris's business.

"Hey now, how about you two just calm down for now." Flynn and Chloe immediately intervened with the two's conversation. Not just because it was between ex-husband and wife, but mainly because it wasted their time. "We're just looking for construction materials and have no need for fashion."

Christina swiftly realised she had a crowd observing her argument with Chris and swiftly turned red. Looking around and analysing them better her eyes widened, she suddenly disappeared as she ran over to Zoe. Grabbing hold of Zoe's hands Christina's eyes were filled with sparkles. "Your dress, it's absolutely beautiful. Where did you get the fabric?"

Zoe felt slightly shocked by the abrupt change in moods with Christina. Letting go of Christina's hands she backed away by a single step to create a bit of room between them. "Well, I don't exactly know where the fabric was gathered but thanks for the compliment."

"No problem, as for the location of where you gathered the fabric that doesn't matter as of now. Can you please give me this dress to analyse for a couple of days, maybe even weeks?" Christina asked as she took a couple of steps forward. Swiftly closing the gap between them before leaning over and taking a closer look at the dress.

Zoe was almost sent into a daze due to Christina's persistency. Scratching her head as her face turned slightly pink, she talked faintly. "No can do, this dress is specia0,l and you wouldn't be able to analyse anything about it anyway no matter how much time you spend on it. Not to mention it's protective armour."

"Huh? What are you talking about? Isn't this a normal bit of cosplay?" Christina raised an eyebrow at Zoe's remark. No matter how she looked at the dress it was just a vibrant and beautiful dress, nothing armour-like. The equipment that some of the others looked much more armour-like but in her mind, she still thought of it as cosplay.

Zoe sighed as her eyes shut, it wasn't as though it was the first time someone has assumed the equipment their group was wearing was just some cosplay. Although, she did find it slightly idiotic that they thought someone would wear cosplay while fighting against beasts.

"No, this isn't cosplaying, it's proper armour. How about it? Give me your best shot," Zoe said as she puffed out her chest and straightened her back. "After all, with your amount of strength you probably wouldn't even be able to make me move a millimetre."

"Oh, then how about this. If I can make you take a step back, you'll give that dress to me for a month. However, if you don't step back at all I'll give you plenty of materials and fabrics for free, as well as leaving you alone," Christina wanted to add on a little bet to the challenge to add a bit more flare to it.

Zoe didn't doubt her strength, nor did she doubt the abilities of her armour. Keeping her posture up she looked down of Christina. "Alright, then it's a deal. Now, give it your best shot."

"Alright, if you say so." Christina got into a fighting position commonly seen in all types of fighting. Her non-dominant leg was forwards while her non-dominant arm as in front of her face. She started lightly hopping, not actually getting off the group but keeping her body in motion.

Keeping her knees bent she took a few steps forward, her right arm swung through the air heading straight for Zoe's guts. Once it made contact Christina squinted from the pain, her fist was completely rebounded but from the momentum of the rebound, Christina twisted her body as her leg swung towards Zoe for a roundhouse kick.

Zoe reached out casually, her actions seemed to be all a blur in Christina's eyes as Zoe grabbed onto her leg. Zoe pulled hard, dragging Christina closer towards her becoming face to face. "Well, it seems you weren't even able to move me a millimetre. You lose."

"Tsk, seems you're a lot stronger than I thought. Suppose I'll be your material provider, so, what do you want?" Christina asked as she threw a cocky smirk to Chris. "Suppose I win the battle with you though, what are you going to do about it."

"Well, we're going to need 216000 square metres of materials to create the floors along with a lot of screws, nails, and other stuff needed for construction," Zoe explained as she attempted to do all the maths in her head. She turned to Flynn for confirmation since he's already done all the working out and just received a frown.

Flynn stepped forward and met with Christina face to face. "Alright, so we'll need 216000 square metres of materials for just the floors. As for the walls, we'll figure that out in just a bit once I finish some more calculations. We'll also need a bit of construction equipment and maybe a few workers to help out."

What the two didn't notice was that Christina was already blanked faced from the first number. It took her a little bit to finish processing how much materials that'll be and how much profit they'll lose from it. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you intending to build again? You shouldn't need that many materials no matter how big of a building you're constructing." She swiftly snapped out of her daze when Flynn walked over and told her that they'll need even more materials.

"Well, we're constructing an academy dorm. We plan to have quite a lot of people in the dorm, it'll be roughly between 70 – 100 stories high and the length and width of the place is 60 x 60," Flynn explains calmly and slowly, making sure Christina understood what he was saying.

A burst of laughter sounded out from behind Christina. Looking over, Chris was about to fall over from laughter as he struggled to breathe. "Now look who's talking, you wouldn't even have that many materials would you. After all, you don't specialise in this sort of field."

"Oh shut up, as if you have the number of materials they're asking for either!" Christina shouted back to Chris angrily, her finger waving through the air as it shook.

"No I probably wouldn't, but at least I wasn't dumb enough to head face-first into the deal without asking how much materials they need," Chris responded with a grin, looking at Christina's flustered expression. "I know, how about we do it this way. You can hire me to deal with the materials and construction, granted, it'll certainly cost you a pretty penny."

"Oh please, like I wouldn't know you're just trying to scam me, I'm not that dumb," Christina said angrily as she closed the gap between the two. The group watched as the two argued, waiting there patiently while the military stood by the side feeling like their presence disappeared.

"Seems you are," Chris crossed his arms and arched his back slightly, his head tilted downwards as it looked down on Christina. "But I am serious about the offer, after all, we're both the heads of respectful businesses. You just need to ask for my help."

"Tsk, as if I'll ever ask for your help. You aren't the only one that's capable of providing construction materials," Christina responded as she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Not to mention the academy you'll build will probably look like something akin to garbage. They may as well invite a professional designer to help."

"Who would want a professional designer to help with a building in present times. People want stability, not splendour," Chris remarked arrogantly. "This world is different from the previous one and until we're back on the top we don't need your fancy buildings."

Immediately, the two got into another heated debate. Arguing against each other as they shouted loudly to the point where they even distracted a couple of the workers. The female leading the military squad sighed before walking up to Chris and Christina. "Just stop, how about you two actually work together to help this group of people. Huh, how does that sound?"

"Yeah, just wondering but who are these people?" Chris and Christina immediately softened their voices as they moved closer to the female soldier. Judging from their requirements as well as the fact they were escorted by the Land Guardians were both valid reasons to be curious about their identity.

"They're the well-known group Bloodied Wings," the Female soldier whispered quietly. Granted, the group was able to easily hear her and put on an awkward smile. Chris and Christina's eyes widened before turning to face the group.
