Pokemon: I Choose You!

After lunch with Ash's mom, the two boys went up to Ash's room to have a chat. Ash sat on the bed crossed legged whilst facing Gary sitting in the same position across from him says "Alright for now we should make a plan, according to the original story, I'm supposed to beat you making you place in the top 32 during the Pokemon League battles whilst I placed in the top 16. Since we have an advantage namely our ability to scan all things, the two of us should be able to be in the top 2 then we can fight it out with the elite 4 and become champion."

"Right, I plan to do this the fastest way possible so we might not meet each other for a while once we begin our journey in 6 years. If I become the Champion first, it'll be a battle between the two of us." Gary replied

"Yea, I plan on taking it easy for a while and abolish Team Rocket at the same time, though both of us can do that since there's a lot of grunts in Team Rocket and also with Jessie and James in the picture it will be quite a pain," Ash said whilst crossing his arms

"First I'll need to build a team that counters every gym leader and also the elite 4, then build teams to fight in the Pokemon Leagues too. That's gonna be quite a few Pokeballs I'm gonna use... Also with some pokemon such as Nidoking and Nidoqueen they can go both physical and special attack depending on their nature and IV along with their natural moveset and TM's.." Ash continued

"Wait! Do TM's even exist?? Wait.. in the Anime don't pokemon automatically learn the moves at certain points? That means it will be completely random when they learn it.. though it's advantageous that they can learn more than 4 moves unlike the video games." Gary replied

"For now I should start going through some teams for the gym leaders first, though Charizard can beat 5 entire gyms by itself excluding the Pewter City gym resided by Brock, the Cinnabar Island gym resided over by the scientist who was involved in the creation of Mewtwo, Blaine and finally the Viridian city gym resided over by none other than Giovanni himself," Ash said to Gary before getting off his bed and taking out a notebook

"Alright! I'm gonna do it too! Which region should we go to afterward? Would we as a champion be allowed to freely move around? Though Cynthia seemed to do it all the time..." Gary said loudly

"Oi Tom! Your talking too loud.. What if my mother hears us? What would she think of two 4-year-old kids thinking that they will certainly become the champion?" Ash said

"Oops sorry!" Gary replied before writing in his own notebook he pulled out from his bag.... After a while, the two boys went outside and looked at the Pokemon residing in Pallet Town

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6 years later....

Ring* Ring* The sound of an alarm resounds, as the now 10-year-old Ash who had already changed turns off the alarm. He then goes downstairs to have breakfast with his mother. "Morning Ash!" Delia said sweetly. "Morning mom!" Ash replied as he sat down on the dinner table to have his breakfast

After breakfast, Gary who had already finished having breakfast a while ago stood outside the door and waited for Ash to come outside and said "Hey! Today's our big day, after choosing our pokemon we should have our first battle. Also, my grandpa should be giving the both of us a Pokedex each! We should also compete to see who completes the Pokedex first!"

"Sure thing! Let's go, Tom." Ash replied before saying to his mom "I'm off mom!" then headed off to Professor Oak's lab along with Gary

Upon arriving at Professor Oak's lab, the two were the first to arrive. They then entered the lab and greeted Professor Oak along with his assistants. "Morning Gramps!" Gary said. "Ah! Gary my grandson! And Ash! You're here too!"

"Morning Professor Oak." Ash replied, "Since the two of you are already here, you can pick your Pokemon first!" Professor Oak said

"Alright! I will choose the fire type Pokemon, Charmander!" Gary said as he took a Pokeball sitting inside a machine. "Go Charmander!" He continued as Charmander came out from it's Pokeball. "Char!!!" Gary's Charmander cried

The two boys then looked at the Charmanders status-


Name- Charmander

Gender- Male

Type- Fire

OS- Gary Oak

Ability- Blaze

Nature- Jolly (+ Speed - SpAtk)

Hp- 19

Attack- 12

Defense- 10

Special Attack- 9

Special Defence- 11

Speed- 13



Attack- 31

Defense- 29

Special Attack-19

Special Defence- 27

Speed- 31


Seeing the Charmander's stats, the two boys looked at each other in the eyes before looking back at the Charmander. Ash thought to himself "Wow... His Charmander has the perfect nature and high attack and speed IV's, perfect for a physical based Charizard and Charizard X!"

Ash then contemplated for a while before making his choice. Standing in front of the Pokeballs, Ash took a deep breath before finally choosing. "Pokemon! I choose you!" he said