The Black World Theory

Dark Knight Agency secret base.

"Phoenix died? The people with him got beaten up? Are you kidding me?" A guy said who had cuts on his face.

"Yes" A young man said.

"Hmm.. That agency...I hate it! If this time you people fail I will kill all of you" The guy said banging his hand on the table.

"Yes sir!"

"Looks like the Eagle is angry." A girl said as he entered the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The guy asked.

"Have you heard that saying 'Enemy's enemy is a friend?" The girl asked as she sat in front of him.

"Just say what do you want?" The guy asked.

"WOSDA is your enemy and ours too. How about we join hands and destroy it together?" The girl asked as she moved her hand as a sign of friendship.

"Charles Dunkin failed. He now serves WOSDA." The guy said as he looked at his laptop.

"Edward's ID and phone is with them. So your people didn't pass either." The girl said.

The guy thought for a second and said

"Fine. But if we do destroy i will be the head." The guy said.

"Deal" The girl said.

After discussing their plans the two leaders of two different agencies shook hand.

Now the agencies Dark Knight and The Black Pearl had joined their hands to destroy WOSDA. Black Pearl was already negotiating with other two agencies to destroy WOSDA but somehow their plan failed.



"Sir, for a number of days there has been peace... It looks like the other agencies are planning something against us." Mr. Harry's assistant said.

"Hmm.. They are not doing anything to harm people so its fine." Mr. Harry said.

Floor 66, new floor of team 45

"I was worried for nothing...When Mr. Harry said pack up your stuff he meant promotion." Mike said as he opened the door.

The floor that the team was shifted to was quite bigger than the old one and comfortable as well.

"Austin sir, I have a question." Ally said.

"Ask." Austin said.

"Yesterday when I was in that building. I noticed the smell of the scent which leaves stain. But the whole time Edward did not get affected by it at all. We all felt dizzy after we came back from there. How is that possible that it affected us but not Edward or his people?" Ally asked.

"They must have taken the antidote beforehand." Austin said.


After a couple of weeks.

In recent days a theory called the Black World Theory has been spread through social media. The theory says:-

When the knights under the falling sky following with the red eagles taking the black pearl calling a tsunami. This tsunami will open a door to a new world called The Black World and then the world which we live in will end.

"Hmm... it's like 2012. People said that the world will end that year too. But its 2020 now. Still posting this kind of message?" Mike said as he read the post of Black World Theory.