Fresher's & Farewell party.

It had almost been a month and it was time for the fresher's party for the first year students and farewell party for the last year ones.

The theme and everything else was decided but one thing needed the Principal's permission.

Knock knock

"Come in" Mr. Harry said.

The president of the student council, Ella came in

"Sir, we need your permission to arrange a task for this year's Fresher's & farewell party."

"A task?"

"The task is..." Ella continued.

"No!" Mr. Harry said.

"But sir this is our last year in college...Please." Ella pleaded.

After thinking for 15 mins Mr. Harry said yes.

The date of the party was decided and sent to everyone.

"Shopping!" Sabrina and Ally exclaimed in excitement.

"Oof...its just a mere fresher's party... Why are you so excited?" Alena said.

"Who said we are excited for our shopping? We are excited for you! Finally you will wear a beautiful dress and make up!" Ally said winking at Alena.

"" Alena said.

"You know this base house is for discussing mission or resting after doing mission...but you three take it as your chitter-chatter house." Sam said

"Ah Sam if I am right you three have done a lot of parties here...and brought some girls too. Just because you turn of the CCTV of this house and let Mr. Harry not know about this does not mean I don't know..." Alena said.

"Sigh...fine." Sam said admitting his defeat.

After the final escape from the Dark Knight Agency's people the girls had changed their behaviour a little bit towards the guys and the guys had also learnt their lesson so they also behaved nicely somehow. They somehow started to act as friends which was good.

"So Alena choose your style. What would you like to wear? This?" Ally asked as she showed some pictures of some gorgeous dresses.

"No!" Alena said and got out of the base house.

"Sigh...Our girl has not grown up yet." Sabrina said in a motherly tone.

"I don't think she will grow..." Mike said.

Sunday morning, 9:00 am. City centre shopping mall.

"You literally woke me in early morning to bring me here?" Alena asked.

"Oh come on! You will have fun!" Ally said as she dragged Alena inside the shopping mall.

After three hours, the shopping was done.

"Ok, three hours? Seriously?" Alena exclaimed as she looked at her wristwatch.

"That's pretty normal." Sabrina said.

The day of Fresher's party.

"Is make up really necessary?" Alena asked as her friends had forcefully made her sit so that they could do her make up.

"Yes. Now hush up and let us do our work." Ally said.

After half an hour the girls were ready and reached at the college auditorium where the party was held.

The guys had reached at the party not long ago but before the girls. Just when the girls entered the guys were shocked to see their transformation.

Alena was wearing a beautiful navy blue dress which was slightly cut from left showing her legs a little. The dress was backless so Alena had to keep her hair open but they were styled so nicely by Ally & Sabrina that for a second she couldn't recognise herself.

Ally was wearing a red gown which was very elegant and attracting. She had her hair tied up in a cute pony which made her look like a cute doll.

Sabrina was wearing a dashing black coloured long dress which looked as if it was designed for her only. She had her hair tied in a beautiful side french braid which made her look gorgeous.

The guys coincidentally had same coloured tuxedos which was a trouble as it resulted in lot of their friends to ask if they are playing the 'matching dress' with their junior girlfriends.