Sudden disappearance.

As Harriet left, Leonard left the office as well. The moment he reached home he went up straight to his room. He was not in a mood to eat or talk to anyone.

"Did I do right? Should I...No! I cannot." Leonard shook his head and threw the thought of giving a chance to love.

With these thoughts in his heads Leonard was unable to sleep. He was thinking of Harriet... He was thinking if he had done the right thing...where his heart wanted to give one chance to love but his brain denied this.

On the other hand, the allied agencies secret base.

10-15 people were sitting around a round table and a picture of a girl was shown on the projector screen.

"According to our investigation, this girl is related to agency and maybe is working in the investigation team of Harry's accident. She has found evidences against us."

"Kill her." The Eagle said as he smoked his cigarette.

"Its not that easy...Though we haven't found out who handles the agency in Mr. Harry's absence but she might have information related to it."

"Hmm...Get her unharmed here..." He said.

"Yes sir." The man said.


The next morning.

Leonard got ready without thinking about what happened last night and went to agency.

As Leonard started working, after 2 or 3 hours he remembered that he had to ask about the investigation case from Harriet.

"Leena? Can you ask Ms. Harriet to come in my office?" Leonard asked his secretary

"Sir, I found that Ms. Harriet has not come to the agency yet."

"Oh...well ok. Tell her to come meet me when she does come."

For a second, Leonard thought if she was in danger but after analysing for a bit more he thought that maybe she has some reason to come late...

Harriet didn't come in agency until the lunchtime so now Leonard just called her but her phone was unreachable. After dialing her number a several times Leonard called at her home.

"Hello?" Leonard said.

"Hello." Harriet's father received the phone.

"Uh, is Harriet at home?" Leonard asked.

"No, she has left for her work in the morning. May I know who this is?" Harriet's father asked.

"Just a colleague..." Leonard said and hung up the phone.

Leonard was now in a bit tension that if she didn't come to agency and is not in home either so where could she go? After thinking for a while he rung at the police station.

"Hello, I am Leonard."

"Yes, Mr. Leonard? How can I help you?" The investigation officer asked.

"Is Harriet there?" Leonard asked.

"Ms. Jones? No, she didn't come to police station today."

"Oh...ok thank you." Leonard said and hung up the phone.

Now Leonard got worried as Harriet was not in any of the places he was expecting. Leonard gathered his special team which he would use when he needed to search someone.

"Sir, we are sorry but we cannot find Ms. Harriet." The team's leader said.

Leonard scratched his forehead and let the guy go. Leonard was getting worried where could she was almost 5:00pm and there still was no clue of Harriet.


In an unknown place.

"Leave me! You have caught the wrong person! I don't even know what you people are talking about!!" Harriet said as she struggled from the chair she was tied to.

"Stop lying woman, we know you are related to WOSDA." A man said.

"How many times do I need to say that I am not related to that agency?" Harriet asked.

"Then what this ID of WOSDA agency is doing in your bag. Now don't say you got a twin sister who works in this agency and you didn't know about this." The other man who searched her purse said.

Now Harriet knew that her lying wouldn't work.

"Good boys! Now you two can leave. I will handle this lady." The Eagle said as he entered.

"Yes sir!" The boys said together and left the room.

As soon as the boys left The Eagle came closer to Harriet and asked "Look Harriet dear, You will go unharmed from here if you tell me who handles the agency in the absence of Harry."

Hearing this Harriet got worried. She didn't wanted Leonard to get hurt at all.

"I won't tell you!" She said.

"You do know you are in our territory and can get harmed, right?" He asked.

"I'd rather like to get killed than tell you about our agency!" She said.

"Ay..who said I am going to kill you? I have other ways to harm you sweety." He said as he slid her hands between her legs

"Stop it!" Harriet said.

"Hmm..Sensitive there, huh?" The man asked

"Shut up!" Harriet

Harriet was so frustrated right now. She wanted to beat this guy up but her hands were tied...her hands could be untied but how could she risk Leonard's life for that? For her she would rather suffer than tell this bastard about the agency.