
Harriet was so frustrated right now. She wanted to beat this guy up but her hands were tied...her hands could be untied but how could she risk Leonard's life for that? For her, she would rather suffer than tell this bastard about the agency.

On the other hand Leonard was just getting more worried. There were only thoughts of Harriet getting hurt in his head.

"Is there no way that you can find her location. Even a rough location would work for me!" Leonard said to a middle aged man who was an experienced tracker.

"There is one way...." The guy said as he opened his laptop.

"What's this?" Leonard asked.

"Every person related to the agency has a disposable phone which is usually used in missions when you don't want the other party to know about your conversations. As far as I know all agents and other members are instructed to keep that phone with them. That phone has a tracker in it." The middle aged man said.

"Oooh, that phone?!" Leonard asked.

"Yes. If we are lucky then we can find her location." The middle aged man said as he sent some codes to activate the phone.

"Then find her location!" Leonard said.


At this time, the bastards had gone to an extent which was unbearable for Harriet. Her private parts were exposed to these dogs who were maybe waiting for a good meal...and what more? The meal was in front of them... suffering, struggling...She was crying her eyes out. Her eyes had gone red because of crying too much. She had lost energy to even struggle or shout for help. She had stopped struggling from chair and was sitting lifeless.

"Oh stopped struggling? Sigh we didn't even touched and she just fainted...that is no fun" One of the guys said.


"Here, we have found the location!" The middle aged man said.

Just after reading the location on the laptop screen Leonard took off with his car and squad. The squad was a group of 30 people trained specially by the agency to come at such short notice.

Leonard was driving with a speed of 200, his heart was beating fast due to fear..His senses were telling him that Harriet was in danger.

When Leonard reached the location, he told half of the squad to go in and tell him the situation first and then he would enter with the rest of the squad.

After some mins Leonard heard from his squad which had entered " Sir, the situation is not good. There are several guys in a room with phones in their hands...and they are maybe using them to click photos of a girl whose body is almost fully exposed...."

Just when Leonard heard about the girl, he knew who it was...His heart was crying out loud as he heard what situation Harriet was in. Without any delay he entered in the building with the rest of the squad.

The half of the squad which he had sent before had already dealt with the people guarding the door and cameras.

"You guys will handle the the people who had captured the girl and take their phones away. I will take the girl away in that time. Got it?" Leonard asked once he reached to the place where his half of the squad was waiting.

"Got it!"

The squad of 30 people entered the room in which Harriet was kept as they pushed open the door The people of four agencies were sitting there and got on alert as soon as the squad entered. They started using their guns and hands. The squad was fighting with the people so that Leonard could take the girl away.

As soon as Leonard noticed that no one was paying attention to Harriet. He entered in the room, untied her and covered her from his coat and took her away.

"Harriet? Harriet?" Leonard said.

Harriet was not waking up...

"Water...right!" Leonard said as he sprinkled some water on Harriet's face so she might get up.

Thankfully, the water did work.

"Hmm.....Leonard! Finally you came!" Harriet said as she hugged him.

At first Leonard was hesitating to wrap his arms around her but now he was unable to control his emotions anymore... He just hugged her tightly and brushed his fingers through her hair which were very silky...and surprisingly...he started to cry as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

"Leonard...are you crying?" Harriet asked.

"I...was worried..You didn't come to agency or police station or home..." Leonard said.

"I-I am fine though..." Harriet said.

"I know you aren't... but let's leave from here." Leonard said as he started his car engine.

"Where are we going?" Harriet asked.

"My team's base house" Leonard said.


"Um...let me find some clothes for you..." Leonard said as he couldn't see her more in his coat...which showed her legs...

"Ok." Harriet said as she sat on the sofa.

" expected there are not any girl's clothes here so please do work with these..." Leonard said as he passed his shirt and trousers to her.

"Ok..." Harriet said and went to other room to change clothes.

After a while Harriet came out and saw Leonard cooking

"Apron suits you." Harriet said as she entered in kitchen.

"Thank...." Leonard was shocked to see how gorgeous she looked in his clothes.

"Well what are you cooking?" Harriet asked.

At this point two things were surprising Leonard. One how gorgeous Harriet looked in his clothes and two was her behaviour...she was behaving so casually as if nothing had happened just some hours ago...

"How can you do this..?" Leonard asked as stopped cutting vegetables and got closer to Harriet.

"Do..what?" Harriet asked.

" are acting as if nothing happened some hours ago. For you it looks like you are coming back home after a usual day from work." He said as he touched her cheeks..

"Hmm... well you are here, right? Then why do I need to worry?" Harriet said as she held his hand.

Hearing this, Leonard's heart broke into pieces. Just right now he was feeling guilty that this beautiful girl was in danger because of him but this girl was not blaming him at all...on the contrary she had full trust on him that he will handle it all.

"By the way, if William was alive he would say the same thing. He wouldn't blame you." Harriet said as she poked his nose.

Just at this moment Leonard lost himself...but he found himself in her eyes... now his heart and brain both were saying that he has to give a chance to love. Just when Leonard was this close to kiss Harriet... she pushed him and said "There is some burning smell."

"Shoot! The food!" Leonard said.

As Harriet saw Leonard getting busy in cooking she was about to leave kitchen but Leonard's hand stopped her

"Don't you wanna know what I think about your confession from that night?" Leonard asked.

Hearing those words Harriet's heart started to beat fast. Her face was getting red. While holding her hand Leonard got closer to Harriet and whispered in her ears "I love you!"

Hearing the three magical words Harriet turned towards him and hugged him tightly as it didn't looked like reality to her. But it was real. This decision of Leonard was not rash at all. He had expressed his feelings for her after a lot of thinking. Maybe this love towards Harriet was for a long time in his heart...but he was unable to notice as he was still suffering from the shock of his best friend's death. But after hearing Harriet's words he was somehow feeling at ease.

After a while, they got out from their sweet moment and went to food.

"Hope you like the food. I am cooking after a long time to be honest." Leonard said.

"'s good." Harriet said as she tasted the food.

" the way...can I say one thing?" Leonard asked with a slight blushing expresion.

"Hmm go ahead" Harriet said as she ate the food.

"You are looking... my clothes..." He said in a very low tone.

"I know." Harriet said with a wink.

After the dinner Harriet opened her phone.

59 missed calls from dad and 38 messages.

"Shoot! I forgot to tell him...I need to go now!" Harriet said.

"Go in the morning, its already if you go in my clothes don't you think your parents will suspect that you spent the night with certain someone..." Leonard said with a little naughty look.

"Hmm....ahh..yeah...Well let me still inform dad." Harriet said.

"Yeah sure." Leonard said.