
Next day

There was some work in Agency that needed Leonard so he had come to the agency in his lunchtime. After he finished his work he thought that he should meet Harriet since he has got a chance and discuss about some other things as well.

12th Floor, Forensic Department.

By mistake, Harriet had spilled the beans about having a boyfriend and that she is about to get married to him.

"Oh come on show us the photo! You are hiding the photo as if you might be hiding the photo of the great CEO, Leonard Johnson." Harriet's assistant, a young college student Leena said.

What could Harriet say to this statement? She actually was hiding the photo of the great CEO, Leonard Johnson in her phone. As her assistant kept asking for phone but Harriet was a little reluctant to give it so.... it got thrown away by both of the girls..... It could have been saved but...just when Leonard walked in...the phone came under his feet and got smashed away.

"NO!!" Harriet said as she ran towards Leonard.

"Sorry mam.." Leena said.

"I'm sorry..." Leonard said as he bent down to pick up the broken phone.

"You have great eyes but what's the use? You smashed the phone anyway." Leena said as she pointed at Leonard.

"Leena it's fine." Harriet said.

"No, it isn't fine. I could've seen your mysterious boyfriend's photo but no...this guy came and smashed it. Sigh...even your boyfriend is a mystery just like Leonard Johnson. Nobody knows how he looks...but there are rumors that he is extremly handsome...and even in my imagination, he looks yummy... yummy enough that I'd wanna tear his clothes and eat him" Leena said with her fangirl expression.

The more Leonard heard about this, he got a weird expression and he started to cough for real.

"You need water?" Harriet asked.

Leonard nodded as he controlled his coughs.

"Ah, Leena before submitting the reports check them. I'll look into it after I am back." Harriet as she went out with Leonard.

Harriet was extremly embarassed that Leonard had to hear all this and choke on his own saliva and start to cough.

"Do all the girls think about like this?" Leonard asked.

"Oh you don't wanna hear what they think about the person who handles the agency in the absence of Mr. Harry." Harriet said.

"What do they think?" Leonard asked.

"The rumors are that the person is even handsome than Leonard Johnson, he is cold from the outside but soft and juicy on the inside." Harriet said imitating the voice of Leena as a fangirl.

Leonard was quite confused and felt weird about hearing his two personalities.

"I can understand soft...what's with the juicy? I mean I am a person or some kind of food?" Leonard asked.

"I don't know either."

Just when Leonard & Harriet were having a good time Leonard's phone started to ring. It was his mother's call.

"Hello mom." Leonard said as he picked up the call.

"Leonard, you do know Richard is coming on Monday, can you pick him up?"

"Why? He forgot to drive?" Leonard said.

"Leonard! You are picking him up tomorrow." His mother said and hung up the phone.

"Mom! Ahh..." Leonard as he turned his phone off in frustration.

Just by hearing the name 'Richard' Leonard's expression would turn into disgust. Moreover, this guy was now coming to stay in their home for some days. Leonard might breathe the same air with an opponent of agency but Richard? Never! Leonard hated Richard from the core.

As Harriet noticed the change of expression in his face she asked " What happened? Who called?"

"It was mom's call. Asking me to pick up the motherf.." Leonard controlled himself before he spoke the last word of his sentence.

"Pick up..?" Harriet asked.

"Richard." Leonard said with an angry expression on his face.

"And why do you hate this guy that you actually wanted to use an abusive word for him?" Harriet asked.

Leonard indeed was not one of those guys who would use abusive language in normal conversations. But Leonard just couldn't control himself whenever he heard the name 'Richard'.

"Well...You see I never liked this guy as I have this hunch that he has some kind of bad intention." Leonard said.

"Then...why isn't anyone else in your family able to notice it?" Harriet said.

"Because he acts as a "too good to be true" guy!" Leonard said.

"My...are you jealous Leonard?" Harriet asked as she controlled her laughter.

"I am not jealous! I am just a little bit protective of my family plus this guy is not even like a cousin. So, he can have bad intentions." Leonard said.

"Or maybe you are thinking too much. But hmm since you say that he is not cousin then you might be right about him" Harriet said.