
In the evening, when Leonard came back he heard some laughing noises before he entered in the home.

The moment Leonard put his feet in living room, the first person he saw was Richard. Sitting with Sabrina on the sofa.

"Heyo!" Richard said as he got up.

"Hey....and weren't you supposed to come on Monday?" Leonard asked.

"Well....Surprise surprise." Richard said as he shrugged his shoulder with a wide grin on his face.

Leonard ignored the weird expression and went upstairs to get freshen up for dinner. When Leonard entered in his room he first just jumped on bed and lied down.... after spending a great day with your girlfriend and then coming home seeing a person you hate is just the worst thing for Leonard.

After freshening up Leonard came downstairs. As there still was time for dinner he picked up the newspaper and started reading it.

Sabrina & Richard were just in front of him laughing and talking. Leonard technically had no problem if Sabrina talked to a guy and laugh but they kept talking, Leonard noticed something.

"Sabrina, bring me my black jacket...the old one." Leonard said.

"Why...? It doesn't fit you if I am right..." Sabrina said.

Hearing this, Leonard didn't say anything but just looked at Sabrina with a 'loving brotherly' expression.

"Ok, ok...fine." Sabrina said as she got up and went upstairs.

Sabrina was quite confused just why does Leonard suddenly want his jacket that doesn't even fit him anymore.

"Here." Sabrina said.

"Wear it." Leonard said as he kept reading newspaper.

"What do you mean wear it... last time I wore it and you had ruined my whole hairstyle." Sabrina said as she remembered their childhood.

"I am gifting it to you as present. Wear it and accept it." Leonard said.

"Wait really?" Sabrina said.

Sabrina was quite shocked with what Leonard just said. It was technically his favourite jacket and that is why he didn't threw it away even after it didn't fit him.

"Sabrina.." Leonard said

"Ok ok... I accept your gift." Sabrina said as she wore the jacket with great happiness.

Leonard continued his reading but smiled. Leonard had noticed that Richard's eyes were not towards her face but somewhere else...but of course if he says something it was bound to go in vain so he just took the help of his jacket and solved everything. Sabrina definetely didn't know this but Richard did and of course he couldn't have done something because if he did...his true colours might as well be shown and his mission might fail.

On the dinner table.

Let me tell you the sitting arrangement.

The head of the Family Mr. & Mrs. Johnson sit in front of each other. On the left side, their first Son, Jaden Johnson sit then if we go on right side, 2nd son Harry Johnson sits. Back to the left side, the 3rd son Kevin Johnson sits beside Jaden Johnson. Leonard & Sabrina both sit on Mr. Harry's side.

"Sabrina, why don't you sit beside uncle today. I will sit beside my friend Richard." Leonard said as he put his arm around Richard.

Leonard's friendly behaviour was quite shocking for everyone as he hates Richard. But everyone just ignored it and ate dinner quietly.

After dinner, Richard went into his room arranged by Leonard's mother. After everyone fell asleep he finally called back the person who had called him 23 times already.

"What is it? Why you called so many times? You want agency's paper, you will get it. Don't you dare intervene my work." Richard said.

"Hmm, do it faster you can do your lust work later because she is gonna be your anyway." Teddy said.

"Yeah yeah." Richard said as he hung up the phone.

Just at this particular time, Leonard was passing through the corridor and heard this conversation.

" he is with that Teddy guy.... and lust...hmm.. I will never let that work be done." Leonard thought to himself.

He didn't make a single sound so that Richard doesn't find out that he was out there hearing their conversation.

But just when he got downstairs, he knocked on Mr. Harry's bedroom. Mr. Harry was confused just what happened that Leonard came in his room at this hour.

"What happened Leonard? Anything wrong?" Mr. Harry asked as he opened the door.

"Everything's wrong! That Richard has come here to get agency papers from Teddy's side and...he may have some kind of sexual intention toward Sabrina." Leonard said as he closed the door.

"Haha... Leonard, I get it you don't like Richard but that doesn't mean you just falsely accuse him." Mr. Harry said.

"I will provide proof by tomorrow." Leonard said as he opened the door and closed it loudly.

Leonard hated the fact that people don't feeling when he is telling something. He already was angry and Mr. Harry's disbelief in him made him more angry

"Hack Richard's phone and give me every information in morning." Leonard called one of his squad member and asked the task to be done.

But before the squad could gather information, a loud scream was heard in the house. It was Sabrina's voice but when everyone reached in her room she already had disappeared or should we say both Richard & Sabrina disappeared?

In the car

"Richard, what are you doing? Why the hell am I tied?" She asked as she struggled from the rope.

"You'll know." Richard said as he kept driving his car.

But once Richard entered in the road which was quite silent...he started driving the car from one hand and his one hand was on Sabrina's thighs.

Sabrina couldn't tolerate this and as she was almost done with untying her rope she didn't have to tolerate Richard's touches anymore. The moment she untied herself she took Richard"s hand which was on her thigh and turned it 360° which resulted in Richard screaming OW in pain and losing balance on steering wheel and let the car crash in the tree.

Just when the car crashed, a car which had been following them stopped and from the inside Leonard stepped out and ran toward Sabrina to ask if she is alright.

But before even Leonard reached near car, Sabrina ran on her fastest speed and hugged Leonard.

"You were right...from next time I'll take your advice seriously." Sabrina said.

"Hmm...that's good but wait a sec." Leonard said.

Before Leonard could go back to home with Sabrina, he took Richard's phone and kept it in his pocket.