No record?

As Mike left, the guys too left the base house. Though they wanted to tease Mike a bit more but alas, he never really gives them the chance to! Girls too had returned to their respective homes and were resting.

Alena's home.

From the moment Alena had gotten back from base house after seeing Charlie she had been feeling uneasy even at her home, she was feeling that someone might be watching her...looking for the chance to do the things that she never wanted to happen again. But right now, this was all in her mind and this was not the first time that this was happening.


4 years ago, 14 September, 2016

4:00 am.

Finally...the thing..had stopped. Well, actually it was not stopped because the guys wanted or they took pity on Alena, nah! They had stop because they were supposed to go from Country I due to some work related to their agency...otherwise...Alena might not even exist in this world right now.

As Alena felt that no force (of some kind of weapon or even physical force) on her body she tried to get up. Alena was feeling weak....but she wanted to go to her home, right now she too had no idea, how? But she cannot stay there as God knows what would happen if she stays there. Somehow with the little energy left in her body, she covered herself from some piece of cloth and came out of the place she was taken to.

As Alena came out, she looked at the places around and it was not familiar to her at all. She didn't even had a phone with her. But she looked at a bakery shop name in which she used to go with her grandfather.

"Sweety bakery....." Alena murmured.

Though Alena had a faint memory of the route, she followed it...and somehow reached her home.

As soon as Alena reached, her feet couldn't handle more, she fell on the ground. As Alena fell, tears came out of her eyes...she started to cry. But, Alena was not someone who was not aware of the situation completely. After her crying stopped, she called her parents. That was the only thing she could do.

But the number was switched off, she kept calling and calling and calling but no one picked it up. This is also one of the reasons, why Alena hates her parents. She feels that they weren't there when she needed them, whether it be a funeral or her own rape...her parents didn't show up.

Not getting response from her parents side, she got frustrated and even scared. For a number of nights, she couldn't sleep. Whenever she'd close her eyes she would remember the pain. This happened for a week, in this week Alena didn't stepped out from her home.

You must be thinking why Alena didn't tell Ally or Sabrina, right? The reason behind is that, Harold (Charlie) had told her that if she calls the police or tell anyone else not only will this happen to her again but her best friends Ally & Sabrina might become their prey too. Alena couldn't have let the two get hurt in any manner, so, she kept all this to herself for 4 years.

Now, when Alena didn't step out from her home. She did try ways to end her life but the thought of her friends being sad, her grandparents being disappointed in her from heavens always stopped her.


For years, the feeling of her fear, her thoughts of ending her life had almost disappeared from her head but now seeing this new agent named Charlie, all those feelings rushed back and Alena couldn't help but feel uneasy. Alena decided to take a shower.

As soon as she took her clothes off to take a shower and looked in mirror, she could see the scars...the scars reminding her of the most dreadful incident of her life. Without even noticing, her tears started to fall off.

After a while, Alena came out of the shower. She had decided to call Mr. Harry and ask about this new agent Charlie.

Taking a deep breath, Alena called Mr. Harry.

"Yes, Alena?" Mr. Harry asked as he picked up her call.

"Um..I-I.." Alena hesitated.

Just from her voice, Mr. Harry realised that Alena somehow was feeling uneasy about something.

"Yeah?" Mr. Harry asked.

"Um, can I ask about Charlie...does he have any kind of crime record?" Alena asked.

"Crime record? No, his profile is pretty clear but why do you ask?" Mr. Harry ask.

", thanks sir." Alena said and hung up the phone without even hearing response from other side.

"Alena...wait.." Mr. Harry said.

Mr. Harry felt weird, usually this does not happen. The new agents selected by agency are not questioned like this. Mr. Harry felt more and more doubtful about Charlie as he thought. Mr. Harry checked Charlie's profile and every information but he did not find anything suspicious. As it was getting late, he decided to look into this matter in the morning and sleep for now.

Just like the time back then, Alena couldn't sleep. Her instincts were tellimg her that the person's face might have changed but their deeds haven't. Alena couldn't have said that Charlie is the rapist who raped her 4 years ago as she doesn't have any evidence to prove that.

Alena didn't go to the college the next day.


"Hey...Alena didn't come today?" Mike asked.

"Nope, she is not feeling well." Ally said.

"Oh.." Mike said.

Though Mike gave a reaction as if he doesn't care on the outside but in the inside, he was concerned. If it was in his hands, he would leave the college right now and go to her home to see her.

On the other hand, Alena's home.

After getting some sufficiet sleep Alena woke up and got downstairs. She had just gotten down and her door bell rang, it was 10:30 am. Alena was wondering who could it be to appear at this time.

As soon as Alena opened the door, her heart almost skipped a beat out of fear. It was Charlie!