I am sorry

"Why are you looking for her though?" Ally asked.

"Sir asked me to give.." Mike put his hand in left pocket and searched for something but he didn't find it. He checked his back pockets, shirt pocket and then face palmed himself and said "Shit...I forgot the pendrive at base house!"

"What pendrive sir?" Ally asked.

"I don't know much about it either but sir asked me to give it to her." Mike said.

"Didn't Charlie said he doesn't have college today? Ask him to go to the base house and deliver it." Sam said.

"Good idea! I'll call him." Mike said.

Alena's home.

"Charlie? Why are you here?" She asked.

Alena, who still was in her PJs and her hair looking messy as she had just woken up...this was a turn on for Harold (Charlie). If it were in his hands, he would do the things to her just right at the spot but Harold too had a P.hD in hiding his real emotions on the inside and keeping a poker face on the outside.

"Mike sir asked me to give this pendrive to you." Charlie said as he gave the pendrive to her.

"Is that so?" Alena asked as she took the pendrive with the hesitation in her heart.

"Well, my work here is done so I'll be taking my leave." Charlie said as he turned back and drove back.

Alena put the pendrive in her laptop and looked at the contents of it. It was all the information related to Charlie. Mr. Harry had sent this pendrive because of yesterday's conversation with Alena. She looked at the information thoroughly but she didn't find what she expected to see.

"Even after seeing this...I am not feeling that this guy is not him from 4 years ago." Alena thought.

Harold's apartment.

"Where did you go sir?" Tony asked.

"Had to give some pendrive to Alena..." Harold said.

"Oh.." Tony said.

"I'm quite happy I was the one who delivered it...because when she opened the door she had this look...which...turned me on...I wanted to fuck her just right there...but AHHHH I need to be the 'goody two shoe'." Harold said.

"Hmm. Don't worry sir...maybe you will get the right chance." Tony said.

On the same day, evening.

Mike had called the girls to do the training with the new agent. After all it's never bad to be prepared. Alena had already stayed in her home for almost the whole day so she decided to go to base house for training.

Ally & Sabrina were doing there usual training and Alena joined them. Austin was training Charlie for the combat fighting. Mike and Sam were busy with their other works.

As Mike saw that Alena entered, he walked towards her and asked if the pendrive had been delivered to her or not.

"Yeah, it was delivered." Alena said as she nodded her head lightly.

Mike wanted to ask Alena badly if she was okay or not but he couldn't muster the courage to. There was awkward silence between the two and luckily Mike's phone saved him. It was his father's call.

"Yes dad?" Mike asked as he picked up the call.

"Mike, that day when you dealt with the Willson & William fashion, they want to have some changes in the contract. Go meet them in the restaurant and see what changes they want." His father said.

"Um...okay." Mike said.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"Nothing, just need to meet some clients." Mike said.

After seeing the restaurant's address Mike went to change his clothes from his casual wear to formal wear.

"How can all cabs be booked?" Alena said as she looked that not a single cab was available.

As Alena's personal vehicle had got some problem and had to be sent to the servicing centre, she had come from a cab. Alena thought that she might get a cab on her way back too, so she let Ally and Sabrina go as she had no interest in doing shopping.

Mike came out in his grey tuxedo and wore his watch. He looked at Alena who somehow looked tense.

"Something the matter?" He asked.

"Hmm? Uh..I kinda need to go to library to do my job but no cabs are available and the library is not that near that I would go by walking." She said.

"I'll drop you. Your library is in the way anyway." Mike said.

"You sure?" Alena said.


Mike and Alena got into the car and drove to the destinations. There was silence in the car while driving. Though Mike was foucsing on the road but he looked at Alena slightly, her expression told him that she was in deep thoughts.

"Wat'cha thinking?" Mike asked.

Alena took a moment before she asked another question to Mike.

"Do you think...that this new agent..Charlie..might have some kind of past?" Alena asked.

"Everyone has a past..." Mike said.

"No, no, no...past as in...crime records..." Alena said.

"A lot of agents have crime records but after surrendering to the agency they have become good." Mike said as he took a glance at her.

"Hmm..." Alena said and turned toward the window.

The road that they were driving needed a lot of attention as there was steep turning point to get to the bridge so Mike was quite focused.

As Mike was on the bridge now so he looked at Alena and asked "Why do you ask? Do you think he is the guy from 4 years ago?"

It took some seconds for Mike to realise that he had said something he wasn't supposed to. Alena looked at Mike with the shocking expression. Mike stopped the car immediately on the side of the bridge.

"At least I don't have to say to stop the car." Alena said as she got out from the car and banged the door loudly. She walked towards the side of the bridge and stood there.

Mike banged his head on the steering wheel and felt the stupidity in his head. Mike got out of the car and walked towards Alena.

Technically, Alena had nothing to be angry about but she somehow felt sad that Mike lied to her...she had the questions like 'Why did you lie in the first place?'

Mike knew that Alena might be angry he didn't even say a word and just hugged her from the back and said "I know you must be mad. You must be thinking why I lied in the first place when you called to ask if you had told me anything...I..I don't know but I thought you'll get sad if you knew..although this doesn't make you happier either..but..."

Just after hearing such an innocent apology, Alena's heart melted. This was the first time that a guy was concerned for her. She felt the warmth of the embrace and she was feeling comfortable, for some reason she didn't wanted the embrace to let go. But, won't that be too weird? Alena turned back to look at Mike's face.

"Th-thank you.." She said in a very low tone.

"Hmm." Mike said.

As Alena realised that she still was in his embrace, she distanced herself from him and said "And...yeah that is exactly what I think..but the agency doesn't contain any crime records of him and I don't have any evidence to prove that he..." Alena stopped at her sentence.

Just even thinking of saying the word reminded her of the dreadful night.

"Yeah...I get it. Have you told Mr. Harry?" Mike asked as he crossed his hands.

"Well...not directly...but the pendrive that he sent contains information but not the information I am looking for..." Alena said.

Just at this moment, when Mike was about to say something a call came. It was the call from Kelly, the library owner.

"Yeah, Kelly?" Alena said as she picked up the call.

"Alena you don't need to come. I am going out." Kelly said.

"Oh..um okay." Alena said.

Alena hung up the phone and kept it back into her pocket. She looked at Mike into his eyes and asked "Well...I don't need to go to the library anymore...do you mind if I go with you?"

Mike had no problem in taking her to meet her own parents of course. But seeing how she had reacted when her parents came on her birthday Mike had second thoughts.

"Uh...you'll get bore there." Mike said.

"Doesn't matter." Alena said.

"What if it takes too long?" Mike asked.

"I. Don't. Care. Can we go now?" Alena asked.

Admitting his defeat, Mike walked towards his car with his head down and his steps looked as if a zombie was walking. Mike was just not ready to handle what was about to come in his way...but sigh who would fight with this woman? He drove the car to the restaurant.

Alena on the other hand was feeling weird because of her actions right now as well. Since when did she became a girl who wanted to hang out with a guy? She had a lot of thoughts. Alena didn't knew herself that she wanted to stay with him because of the sense of security he gave, how his embrace comforted him. Maybe she wanted that presence more but she didn't realise this or maybe was ignoring it.