
"Hmm DRD 242." Harold said.

"Oh..uh I see. Will get that ready. Anything else?" Tony asked before hanging up the call.

"Hmm nope." Harold said and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Harold sat on his sofa. He remembered 'the good time' with Alena and had a wide smile on his face. "This time you will have such pleasure that you are going to thank me later." He thought as he waited for the clock to hit 3.

DRD 242 is the popular Date Rape Drug in the underworld and sold illegally. It works just like an aphrodisiac. It was released 18 years ago in 2002 on April 24 hence the name Date Rape Drug 242. [AN- This is made up btw. Not real.]

Goodwill Hospital, night

"Yeah, yeah. I will take care now you guys should go sleep too." Alena said as she hung up the phone.

"Hmm...the doctor said you may or may not speak now..but you can understand everything.... Couldn't you have just ditched training as well?" Alena said as she took her seat beside Mike's bed.

Mike just blinked his eyes maybe to say "No, no I couldn't have."

"Sigh...leave this. Uh...ring this bell if you need anything. I am sleeping right here on the couch." Alena said as she looked at the bell kept on the side table.

Alena turned off the lights and slept on the couch. They had quite a nice sleep till 2:45 am but...

"I..wanna go to washroom.." Alena thought. Before walking towards the washroom she looked at Mike once and then went inside. Just at this moment, Tony entered in the room disguised as a male nurse.

"Say goodbye to the world Mike Angelo." He said as he raised his hand to snatch the oxygen mask from Mike's face.

Slowly, the hand moved the oxygen mask and as soon as the mask was removed he gasped for life. Mike started to raise his hand for mask, asking for life but the guy in front of him was merciless and of course didn't do so.

Alena heard the loud gasps and came out from washroom but as soon as she came out, an injection was injected in her right arm.

"Ahh!" She said as the injection needle touched her skin.

Alena tried to rush towards Mike but was stopped by a hand's grip.

"If you want his life to be saved then you gotta do me a favor."

It was Harold who said this. Alena's eye started to burn with fury, she couldn't have killed this right there but she still could harm him a little, right? After all she still wasn't the girl who would get scared and be silent. She kicked Harold on his left leg and got out of his grip.

She rushed to the bed and kicked Tony on his back making him fall on thr ground but...it was too late now.

Mike's heart beat had gone slower almost equal to that of a deceased heart beat. Alena couldn't have afford to beat these guys first and then call doctor. She just screamed out DOCTOR from inside the room and a nurse came in the room.

"Miss, something the matter?" The nurse asked.

"CALL THE DOCTOR!" Alena screamed.

Without any delay, the nurse rushed to the doctor. The doctor came in the room and examined Mike.

"Don't worry the patient's fine. But, why was the oxygen mask removed?" The doctor asked after examining Mike.

Just at this moment, when Alena was about to say something, a gunshot was heard in the room.

The room got red in the blood of the doctor and the nurse. It all happened in just some seconds that Alena was unable to even react.

The next day, the news of the hospital was on the front page of every newspaper. But the news of doctor and nurse was not the only news. There was another news, a girl being found unconscious in the same room. The girl was Alena.

But of course, this news was taken care of by the agency and Mr. Harry had asked his special doctors to examine why Alena fainted.

"DRD 242. The girl was drugged with DRD 242. She fainted because it was supposed to be released out from body..but it didn't." The doctor said.

"DRD..you mean..the Date Rape Drug?" Mr. Harry asked to confirm.

"Yeah. I have given her the antidote. She should be fine by afternoon." The doctor said.

After the doctor left, the head of the security controlling room came in.

"Sir, we have found the missing footage but its quite blur and we have also found that the person who sabotaged with our security system and the hospital's cameras are both same." The head said.

"That means..someone wanted to kill Mike?" Mr. Harry said.

"We don't know about that..." The head said.

"Hmm, give me the blur footage and get the footage from hospital cameras and the name who is behind this." Mr. Harry said.

"Yes sir." The head said.

"_/94@- Is the name of the Hacker." The head said.

"What's this? This is some kind of code." Mr. Harry said.

Mr. Harry wasn't the head of the Agency for nothing. Seeing this code he kinda realised that this is much more like a code given to name. After a while, he cracked the code and the name he got was Dlorah.

"Dlorah? What kind of weird name is that?" Mr. Harry said as he leaned on his chair.

After hearing the news of the hospital Sam & Austin reached at the agency.

"Sir, can we come in?" Sam asked as he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mr. Harry said.

"So...what exactly is the situation sir?" Sam asked.

"Well, there is progress. We have at least found who is the person who sabotaged with our security system and hospital's cameras. The person is same. His/her name is Dlorah." Mr. Harry said.

"Dlorah?" Sam said.

"That is a weird name to give to your child." Austin said as he heard the name.