The awaited justice.

[AN:- Finally! After a month or so I'm updating a chapter! It feels great to be back in buisness! Wait...that looks like a line a buisnessman would say after his office opening after the long long qurantine. Hope you guys have been doing good. Well, I will stop with my chatting and get into the story. Enjoy!]

Sam and Austin, while coming back to the base house, Dlorah was the only thing roaming in there mind. Their brain was finding every possible word to get some clue for the incidents that occured in hospital and Training centre no.3 but they couldn't find anything that could relate to it.

Both entered with their thinking expressions. Seeing the thinking expression Alena asked them what are they thinking about so deeply?

"Well, the investigating team has got some lead toward the training centre no.3 case but there is a problem." Sam explained.

"What problem?" She asked.

"The investigating team has found out who was the person behind sabotaging the footage of camera as well as hospital's but the person of course has not used his/her real name. He/She used codes. The agency craked the code as well but the word that came out was....." Austin said

"Dlorah." Sam completed his sentence.

"How is it spelled?" Alena asked as she grabbed a notepad and a pen.

"D-L-O-R-A-H" Sam said.

As Alena read the spelling. She looked at it carefully. Unlike Sam & Austin who took ages she found out what Dlorah was in seconds.

"If you read it backwards...Its a name, Harold." Alena said.

"Why didn't we think of that..?" Sam said as he looked at Austin.

Austin just shrugged his shoulders as a response to Sam's words. For Alena, the name somehow looked familiar but she couldn't really understand how is it familiar. She tried to remember that faint memory of hers where she heard this name.


Alena's memory.

"What about her Harold?" A guy asked.

"About her? What about her? We don't need to deal with her. She will just do what other girls have been doing. Either commit suicide or stay silent." Harold said.


"Its proof that its Charlie!" Alena said as she got up from her chair.

"Okay, you have been saying that guy's name for a long time. I'm not saying you cannot be right Alena but you got no evidence you know." Sam said.

Sam wasn't wrong completely. They need concrete evidence to prove that Harold and Charlie are the same people or that Charlie did all this as he got into the agency by the fake name Charlie. Either way, this was not easy.

Alena started to think about how can she get the damn evidence which was the only obstacle between Alena and Harold's killing. She looked at her right arm and she got an idea.

"The investigating team must have taken everything from the room where the doctor and nurse was shot, right?" Alena asked.

"Yeah, but that case is not taken by agency's investigation team though." Austin said.

Alena frowned on hearing the news. It would've been easier for her if the agency's investigation team had taken the case. They could've just asked for information and BOOM! Done. But now, the case was in the hands of a local investigation team. They cannot just walk up to them and ask for information randomly.

"I guess Harriet mam can help us. I mean its her department so she may know some other people of the same field out of agency too, right?" Sam said.

"Makes sense. Sabrina, call your sister in law." Alena said.

"Sure." Sabrina said as she dialed Harriet's number.

"Hey Sabrina!" Harriet said as she picked up the phone.

"Hi sis in law!" Sabrina greeted back.

Sam explained the whole situation to Harriet in one single breath. After hearing the whole situation, Harriet's response was "Hmm... I do know that guy but he is a little bit arrogant and I'm not really in great terms with him but let me try."

Hearing Harriet's words the team waited for the good news. On the other hand, Harriet took a deep breath and dialed the number which she had not dialed in ages. It kept ringing, with each ring Harriet was imagining what Eric, her senior in college, an arrogant guy would say.

Eric picked up the phone.

"Hello, Eric sir." Harriet said.

Harriet's number was saved in Eric's phone. In college, Harriet always used to argue with him but today she was being polite and calling him sir?! Just to make sure, Eric looked at the number and name and checked it twice. It was still unbelieveable for him but he responded "Yes, Harriet?"

"Uh...your team must have got a case from Goodwill Hospital." Harriet said.

"Yeah, my team and I are investigating it." He said.

"I..needed some information. So do you mind if I come to your office and look at it?" Harriet asked.

"Well, you can." Eric said.

Harriet was shocked that this guy agreed on this so easily.

"When are you coming then?" Eric asked.

"I'll tell you in a min." Harriet said as she hung up the call.

After talking to Eric, Harriet called back to team. She told them that she can visit the team.

"Thanks mam/sis in law" The team said together.

After all this, the team was a little bit relieved that they will have some information. But more importantly, Alena had a hope that she may find the evidence that she needs to get Harold out of the agency as well as the Earth.


The next day.

As planned by the team, Harriet went to Eric's office.

"The only thing we could find is just the stained clothes of doctor and nurse. The camera footage was deleted or something. But one thing that I find interesting is this." Eric said as he showed an injection which according to him, most probably was used.

"Sam & Alena's thinking were indeed correct." Harriet thought as Eric brought up the injection.

"Why do you think its interesting?" Harriet asked.

"According to the hospital, the patient in whose room the whole thing happened. His medicine dose was done and he was sleeping. There was only one girl in the room which might be his friend. If the room was empty how did this come? We have checked the fingerprints on the injections. It doesn't match any of the staff who were on duty at that time." Eric explained.

"Again correct..." Harriet thought.

"Thanks Eric sir." Harriet said.

Harriet couldn't have taken the injection as if its some kind of pen that she needs to borrow from a classmate to write something. It was an important evidence.

After a cup of coffee with Eric, Harriet took her leave. She needed a letter that stated the transfer of case to her team.

Before going to agency, Harriet stopped by at the team's base house to tell about the whole thing to them.

"So, you guys were right. There was an injection just as you said. But of course, they didn't find a fingerprint that matched the hospital's staff that was on duty at that time." Harriet explained.

Sam looked at Alena as he heard Harriet's explanation. Everything that Harriet said matched word by word to what Alena said yesterday.

"Now all we need is a letter stating that the case has been transferred to us. I will get the letter as soon as possible. I will take my leave." Harriet said as she left the base house.

She typed a letter in her laptop and got it signed by her head and then Mr. Harry, next day the case was transferred to agency's investigating team.

As soon as the case got transferred. Harriet checked the finger prints on the injection. The finger print scanning machine had all the agent's finger prints in them irrespective of whether they are new or old agents. It took the machine some time to match the finger prints. But when the result came out, Harriet was shocked by the team's accuracy at this point. She called the team immediately as the results came out.

"As expected." Sam and Alena said.

Only Sam & Alena had went to the forensic department. Rest stayed at base house. Sam & Alena couldn't have seen what was coming towards them in the next 10 minutes.

As soon as Alena & Sam reached. The house looked silent. Both of them thought that girls and Austin might be in washroom or the room upstairs but after searching, they couldn't find them in base house. Their phones were in the base house so they couldn't contact them. The bracelet for girls too were also there. Both of them broke in cold sweat. But not after too long, Sam noticed that the telephone had been flasing with its red light indicating that a message was recorded. Sam tapped on the button to hear the message. The message said.

"Hello Sam "sir" and Alena "ma'am"! When you will be hearing this message I would have already taken Austin, Ally & Sabrina with me to a place where the history is preserved. You think I didn't know the whole injection investigating thing you were doing? I saw it coming way before than you did. Now, its an open war. Let me see wat'cha got! See you there!"

The message obviously was recorded by Harold. They understood every word but one thing they didn't understand was that where he has taken girls and Austin with him.

"Where the history is preserved..." Sam said.

"Where is the History preserved..?!" Alena said.

There were a lot of museums in Country I. It was hard for Sam & Alena to find out which museum could it be.

"He wouldn't choose some normal museum... he would choose the museum which is in connection to agency which means... The Valerie Museum." Sam said as he pointed the museum at the map.

With their calculations, Sam & Alena went to The Valerie Museum.

The Museum was closed, which they did expected it to be. Alena & Sam entered in the museum from the back door after breaking it.

As soon as they entered, they heard a clapping sound. It was none other than Harold. But of course Harold had not come alone. He commanded his men to take Sam away as soon as they can. Right now, his only target was Alena. He didn't wanted any kind of obstacle between him and her. It wasn't much hard for Harold's people to get Sam as his fighting techniques are not that great. He is just a little above than a basic learner in terms of fighting.

After a while it was one-on-one match between Harold & Alena.

"And, where are you going to go now? That night you were not able to do anything, today you won't be able to do anything either." Harold said as he took some steps towards her.

Alena felt helpless at this point. Why wouldn't she? Compared to this guy, who had his people and every possible force he could use against her, she had nothing. Neither her team nor the courage to fight him.. how will she fight him? Is this night going to end up the same as 16th September 2016? These were some of the many questions that Alena had right now.

It had just been a minute that she was in her thinking world and there was an arm distance between Harold & Alena. As soon as Alena realised this, she pushed Harold away and ran inside the museum.

Harold gave a wide smile at Alena's action. "Still the running kitty..." he thought to himself as he put aside his lustful desires towards Alena and started following her.

Alena couldn't have ran too far with Harold's men surrounding the whole area. She was surrounded by his people. They were circled around her, looking at her in a way which disguted her. She wanted to cry, she wanted to shout for help but none of these was an option right now. The only option that she could choose was Fight.

Alena had made up her mind that she won't be afraid of these people because the more she'll get afraid, the more they'll scare her. The only way to fight these people was fight them boldly. Alena took a deep breath and remembered all her training.

Harold's people came at Alena one by one. At first Alena got hit by them easily, they of course didn't show any mercy to her as she is a girl because in front of these creatures, she might not even be a girl but an object. It took a lot of time for Alena to fight each one of them and defeat them. In her last fight with the most strongest guy that Harold had brought, she was thrown at some distance and crashed a case where a sword was kept. The sword was quite old. The sword belonged to the brave queen Valerie which fought her last battle to protect her kingdom with this sword. The moment Alena was thrown there, she almost felt that she cannot fight anymore but seeing that sword she somehow got up....somehow picked up the sword with all her might.

Harold laughed at how she could only drag the sword. He too, picked up a dagger by a near by case and got ready to fight with her.

"You know, doing all this is worthless. I mean, I can make you feel much better ya know." Harold said.

Alena gave a bitter smile as she draged the sword. Just when Harold was about to say another sentence accompanied by his disgusting intentions and looks, Alena raised up the sword with all her might, pointing it at him and said "Do you know why thousands of girls commit suicide or stay silent after you make them 'ferl better?' Why am I asking you this..? You must not know. So let me give you the last words of wisdom. She commits suicide because she is afraid every second from the thought that a guy just like you might be waiting for her to do the same thing again. She stays silent because the people like you escape easily while the world blames her! But today, I don't know how many girls have you made 'feel better' but I will get justice for each of them today." With her sentence, Alena raised up her sword and pushed it right into Harold, though Harold did try to dodge but he failed.

He was crying for help, asking for mercy. For Alena, this was still an easy death for him, to give him more pain that could satisfy her she made some more cuts on his body and let his voice for help out. Hearing those voices, Alena felt the calmness in her heart. At last, the guy who needed to be punished was punished. More importantly, Alena was able to give the punishment herself. While Harold was taking his last breath Alena only prayed one thing for him "I wish you get more pain in hell."

After this, as Alena was already beaten up and had lost her strength by fighting this creature she fainted just after the prayer.


The next day.

Goodwill Hospital.

Alena was admitted to the same room as Mike.

"I'm proud of you." Mike said.

" come you are standing?" Alena asked as she opened her eyes slowly.

"My conditions are better now. The doctor even said I can be discharged. I most of the injuries were on head and stuff and they are quite better now so..." Mike said.

"Oh..that's..that's nice." Alena said.

"Hmm, you should rest. You've done a great job." Mike said as he patted her head gently.


"I wish you were there to see it though..." Alena thought to herself.

"Hmm, your mom and dad are waiting outside. I'll take my leave." Mike said and left the room.