Round 1

After 3 days, potential candidates had filled out the form and now it was 12 pm. Forms were closed now. In the three days 300 candidates had filled out the form but only 12 were short listed for the real race. There were a total of 14 people in both the groups. In total there were 7 people in each group.

There are two groups based on their ages. Group 1: Age 18-24

Group 2: Age 25 and above.

Sabrina obviously belonged to Group 1.

Names in Sabrina's age group were as follows.

1. Ethan (0789)

2. James (0981)

3. Alexander (0256)

4. Elijah (0198)

5. Nicolas (0023)

6. Levi (0982)

And, last but not the least. The last name in the list was

7. Sabrina (0812)

Surnames were prohibited to make public in the site so that people cannot do anything or tamper with competition. But of course to differentiate candidates, different codes were given and that code would be displayed.


Base house.

Sabrina, somehow had started panicking about this 'race' now. She had no idea how this whole competition even worked out! She didn't know the rules, criterias or anything. Seeing her freak out, Alena & Ally tried to calm her down.

"Calm are freaking out as if the competition is tomorrow. Look, even the group 2's shortlist is not out yet. And I guess you would do just fine!" Ally tried to cheer her up.

"Oh, come on! This is not some elementary school competition! I mean...I don't even know about this! At least school competition rules and information were told beforehand!" Sabrina said as she kept walking back and forth.

"I don't think the competition should be too hard, right? I mean...when the competition's over the person who wins will handle the agency it cannot be a literal leg breaking one, right? At least your beauty would be safe!" Alena said as she showed her a thumbs up and winked at her with a playful smile.

"Haha. Very funny Alena!" Sabrina said with a pout.

"Okay, Sabrina. Mike's coming on the video call to give you all the information related to this competition." Sam said.

In gathering information, Mike was the best. After learning that Sabrina was going to participate in this, the guys had already asked Mike to find some useful information.

After a while, Mike was connected on the video call. But after seeing him...some laughed, some were confused with his new look.

"What's with the blonde hair...?" Sam asked.

"It's for mission. I had to dye them..." Mike said with a sad look because he himself did not like this look at all.


"Leave that. So, Sabrina I won't waste much time so listen to everything I am about to say carefully." Mike said with a serious expression.

"Okay sir." Sabrina said as she sat straight and made herself ready to memorise every possible useful information that Mike was about to say.

"So, when you guys were preparing for college exams, what did you do?" Mike asked.

Alena & Ally looked at each other and then looked at Sabrina, Sabrina too shared the same confused expression with the girls and asked. "Sir...weren't you going to tell about the competition?"

"Just answer my question." Mike said.

"Complete the portion coming in exam?" Ally asked.

"Hmm nope. Not the answer I'm looking for." Mike said as he shook his head lightly.

"Look at previous papers?" Sabrina asked.

"Correct!" Mike said with a cheerful expression but that cheerful expression changed in a serious one within a blink of eye as he continued "That won't work here. As far as I've searched. Whether it be the competition for the Head of HQ or the Head for the branches of the agency. The agency makes sure no competition or round is same to another or even similar to it."

Sabrina's smile with the thought that she only has to look at previous competition pattern just like looking at previous question papers went away in seconds. Her face even went paler when she listened to Mike.

"Hey! Hey! No need to go all sad. I have one useful information. The competition is held in four rounds. First round deals with the candidate's physical powers. Second round deals with candidate's skills in technology. Third round deals with how the candidate reacts to a for the fourth round...I couldn't find any information regarding to that. Now that you at least know what the three rounds are all about, you can start preparing, right?" Mike asked as he tried cheering up his team mate.

"Hmm...Thanks sir.." Sabrina said with a sad expression and a really really small smile.

"Hmm...okay then. Guys I need to go. All the best Sabrina! If I get more information I will call you." Mike said before hanging up the call.

"Okay sir.." Sabrina said.

Again, Sabrina got up and started walking back and forth. Seeing this, Austin & Sam looked at each other. After sharing glances, Austin went up to Sabrina.

"Don't worry! We're all here. We will help you as much as we can, but you gotta give your 100% too though, if you want to...." Austin said.

"What do you mean..'if you want to'?" Sabrina asked.

"What he means is that, only practise hard if you wanna win this. Otherwise, you can just give it a shot. It's not a king's throne you know. " Sam said.

"Well..I don't know to be honest sir...this happened so suddenly...I didn't even have the chance to think about this." Sabrina said.

"Yeah, I know. So, first think about this and then Austin and I will start your training." Sam said.

"I've got the best team!" Sabrina said with tears in her eyes.

"Eeesh! No need to cry!" Ally said as she hugged her tightly.

After this, Sabrina went to hospital and then her home. But something surprised Sabrina, Leonard, who's a workaholic was sitting in the living room before 9 pm. How is that even possible? Seeing this impossible scene, Sabrina ran towards Leonard and sat beside him. She touched his forehead to check his tempreture. "Bro, you fine?"

"Get away." Leonard said as he moved her hand away.

Just at this moment, Harriet came and both of them started talking in sign language. Seeing their weird expression and sign language Leonard said "Girls, I can see you, you know?"

"Well..." Harriet said.

"I guess I will just...accept this impossible event that happened today..need to mark it on calender..I mean LEONARD, THE WORKAHOLIC is in home at 6:30? Like how?" Sabrina said.

"Just go in your room for God's sake!" Leonard said.

"Okay, okay. I'll go." Sabrina said.

After dinner, as said by Sam. Sabrina started to think whether she did wanted to actually even be in this competition. After thinking for a while, her head started to ache. Her permanent solution for headache was Leonard, though this guy at times irritated her but at situations like these was the best advicer she could find. Without any hesitation, she knocked at his room's door.

"I'll open the door." Harriet said.

"Hmm." Leonard said.

As Harriet opened the door, she found Sabrina standing with a confused expression. She stood like a little girl who couldn't decide whether she wants a barbie doll or the other new toy that her every friend has.

"Oh, hey Harriet.." Sabrina said.

"Hey..what happened?" Harriet asked as she kept her hands on Sabrina's shoulder.

" need to talk to Leo..." Sabrina said with a sad expression.

"Oh..he is inside." Harriet said as moved away from Sabrina's way.

"I'm's not that.."

"Shhh, I know I know." Harriet said as she got out from the room.

Seeing all this, Leonard closed his laptop and kept it aside on the side table beside his bed.

"What's up?" He asked.

Sabrina had kept her confusing emotions for three days inside her and now Leonard asking 'What's up?' she went all in her crybaby state. She started telling what the hell was going on in her head.

"Everything's down! I don't even know whether I even wanna participate in this competition...I didn't even bother to ask me. I mean..I understand the circumstances are like this but still though...and now this short list! I don't even know who I'm competing against...I don't know anything about them...and worst are somewhat of a competitor in this too!"

It took some seconds for Leonard to digest all that, he got up from his bed and the first thing he did was patting Sabrina's head and trying to ruin the hairstyle.

" really are sad, huh? I mean I ruined your hairstyle and still no anger? Wow!" Leonard said with 'shocking' expression.

"Leo!" She said in anger.

"Hahahaha. Okay, okay. Look, I know it's all too sudden for you. I know you didn't get a chance to even think about all this. But...since you already know the situation...then all I can say is...don't be sad or mad. I know uncle didn't ask you about all this..but come on, it's not like he is doing this on purpose...he is forced by situations too. I can't say that you can back out of the competition now..but you can still practise. You may not have the best team to make you perfect for this competition but they are best in putting their 100% effort to make you the best. I mean...Mike, Sam & Austin could've ignored this and just do their work..but without even asking they are doing this. So, technically you don't even need to worry!" Leonard said.

Leonard gave her a nice warm hug to cheer her up after his long speech. Sabrina, too was a little bit cheered up and after getting to her real self, as a revenge for Leonard ruining her hair she too ruined his hair.

"Hey!" Leonard said.

"Payback!" Sabrina said as she ran out of the room.


The next day, Sabrina woke up with fresh look and she had made up her mind. Her decision was to give her best in this competition.

From today, her training started for the competition. As the information by Mike says that first round deals with physical powers, Austin himself started learning some new moves and then teaching them to Sabrina. Austin was gathering all possible information to every kind of fight that existed in the world.

On the other hand, Sam too was finding stuff for Sabrina's competition and teaching her everything he could.


Finally! After a month of hard work, it was the day to test it. The day of competition had finally come. Sabrina was nervous and excited at the same time.

The competition was live broadcasted throught agency's site and there was audience at the area too. Alena, Ally & Sam were sitting in the audience to cheer Sabrina up. Austin was with Sabrina like the wrestling coach giving tips before the match.

The rest of the Johnson family was in the audience as well. Luckily it was a Sunday today otherwise it'd be impossible for the rest of the Johnson family to even be there.

The excitement in audience was too much. Everyone in the hall was waiting for the time to know just what's the theme to test the physical powers of the candidates. Everyone was anxious..everyone was waiting. And finally, a man in a black tuxedo with a mic came on the platform.

"Hello! Mic testing mic testing." The man said.

"Looks like it's working. Heyo people! I'm your anchor Jordan and now you all can calm your nervous hearts and the candidates can be less anxious because in this envelope is the theme..that everyone wants to know." Jordan said as he showed a golden envelope.

Every candidate's eye was now on that envelope. Not just the candidate, but every person present in the hall had their eyes on it.

"Drum roll please." Jordan said as walked some steps still creating more suspense than there already was.

After a 3 minute drum roll, Jordan opened the envelope and brought the mic near his mouth to read out the theme.

"So, the theme is.... Every possible fighting style existing in this world. For example, martial arts, combat fighting, street fighting etc. Each match will be of 16 minutes. You will be given 3 countdowns to get up if you fall in ring. If you don't get up, the other person wins. All the best!" Jordan said.

Listening to this, the audience started hooting and shouting in excitement. On the other hand some candidates were satisfied, some were a little worried but kept a calm expression and some did not even know how to react to this!

"What the..." Sabrina said.

"Don't panic.." Austin said as he patted her shoulder.

"How can I not? Every fighting style is included. I don't know every fighting style!" Sabrina said.

After a while, rules for this round were told. After an hour, between which two candidates the first match of this round will be held was being displayed on the big screen.

Levi VS Sabrina

Name: Levi

Age: 23.

Gender: Male.

Name: Sabrina

Age: 20

Gender: Female

The basic information on a big screen was being displayed. Seeing this information, Sabrina was not much satisfied. But after seeing Levi, her competitor, she lost confidence in her training.

Levi was a guy with great body, just seeing him, one can shit in their pants and Sabrina has to fight with this guy. Seeing, Levi getting into the platform first, Sabrina started to sweat profusely. There was no way she could win against this guy!

"Don't panic. We have done this in training. Don't act like a child who freaks out seeing the question paper with minor changes." Austin said.

Listening to this, Sabrina tried to calm herself. Austin was right.They have prepared this in training.

Austin looked at her in the eye and said "Sabrina, it's all about how you use all the hard work. Everybody passes in a practise test. The real test is this. Come on, I believe in you! You can do this!"

"Yes! Okay, you are right! I can do this!" Sabrina said as she fired up herself and went towards the ring.

The refree stood in the middle of the ring. After taking some steps back, he started the match. Just when the match started, the clock which was set on 16:00 minutes started ticking.