Round 1 (Part II)

Sabrina & Levi looked at each other. Both of them looked like the leaders of two different pack of wolves.

The first three minutes of the match was much a testing of each other's move than the real match. But after the three minutes, the real match started. The match started with both of them wrestling subtly until Levi started making some real moves that Sabrina was not ready for neither had the experience of.

Living in a home, where at max Sabrina could just be irritated. She was definetely not ready for all the punches, chops that were coming toward her way. The first match was won by Levi. Luckily, Sabrina was not that hurt. She came back after her first match and her first defeat.

"You...did your best. Okay, next match is between Alexander & Ethan. You should watch the match so you know their techniques a little beforehand." Austin said as he pointed at the screen and gave her a bottle of water and an ice pack.

" hurts." Sabrina said as she kept the ice pack on her injured areas.

Alexander VS Ethan

Name: Alexander

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Name: Ethan

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Alexander had been learning martial art since his childhood and Ethan on the other hand was a street fighter since high school days. Everyone who knew both of these guys were interested to see this fight very much. Sabrina on the other hand was nervous to know about them.

"So, one of them is a martial artist and another a street fighter?!" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah." Austin said.

"There is no way I can win this...I'll be out in this first round only..." Sabrina said with her head down in sadness.

"Hey! Hey! We still have a lot of matches and opportunities. You will have 7 matches today out of which 1 is done. The 2 in the bottom line will be out today. Then tomorrow, first round of Group 2 will take place. So, you still got chances. Don't lose heart at the beginning." Austin said.

Alexander won the match. The next matches took place as follows.

Sabrina VS James

Name: Sabrina

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Name: James


Gender: Male

This match was done between two contestants with equal powers. This time, Sabrina had confidence that she could win this.

After a 15 min of fight, in the last minute when everybody in the hall thought that Sabrina is going to lose as she did not get up after James's last move, the countdown had started.

"1!" The referee said.


Before the referee could say 3, Sabrina got up and used the excellent move taught by Austin on James

Boom! Next second, James was on ground and stayed there for three countdown and Sabrina was declared as the winner of this match.

Ethan VS Levi

Alexander VS Elijah

Elijah VS Sabrina

Ethan VS Nicolas

Levi VS Nicolas


The last match of the day was between Alexander & Sabrina. The match that Sabrina didn't wanted to happen.

"Wish me luck so I don't get defeated by the cobra move." Sabrina said before going in the ring.

[AN- 'Cobra move' is from The Karate Kid reference.]

Austin just showed her a thumbs up and gave a bright smile.

Both the candidates bowed as a greeting to each other and then the match started. In this match, it was not impossible to win but was not easy either.

In this match, in every second everyone knew the winner from heart. But everyone's heartbeat went up when the tables turned and Sabrina won the match. Now that all the matches were done. It was time to declare scores and decide who will be out of the race today and who will stay.

The scores were as follows.

Alexander: 6

Ethan: 5

Levi: 4

Sabrina: 3

Elijah: 2

James: 1

Nicolas: 1

"First things first! Congratulations to Alexander, Ethan, Levi, Sabrina & Elijah for making it to the second round!"

" the scores say. Sorry James & Nicolas. You guys did great job though! We had awesome fun watching it. Right everyone?" Jordan, the anchor asked everyone.

Everyone too agreed with Jordan and shouted to cheer the two guys up.

"Okay, everyone. It was a long day I hope you guys have good rest tonight and come with same enthusiasm tomorrow for our Group 2's Round 1." Jordan said as he bid goodbye to everyone for the day.

"Congratulations!" Leonard said as he hugged his sister and congratulated her for her victories and making it to the second round.

"Thanks...and...can you not hug so back's hurting already..don't break it." Sabrina said.

"Oops! Sorry!" Leonard said as he ended the hug and walked out of the hall with Sabrina and the rest of team.

As soon as Mike came to know that Sabrina had made it to the second round, he too called her to congratulate her. Congratulations from friends and family was fine but Sabrina felt weird when Alexander came to congratulate her.

"Congratulations!" He said.

"Thank you..Alexander sir." Sabrina said.

Alexander went away after congratulating her. He had kept a calm expression until now but somehow he was burning inside with anger.

Alexander's home.

"How dare a little girl make me stay away from my victory? I was one point away...Okay, I cannot be angry on this. I was still the first one. Let's just look forward to other matches." Alexander thought to himself as he calmed down his anger and took deep breaths.