Meet The 'Socio-Welfare Club'

It was our english class, both the departments have a combine class for this period. So, the science students started coming to our class. Alvin always used to sit with me and we both used to talk about Anime. But today I was busy conserving my energy.

"Are you done talking? If yes, then let me first thank all of you for your hardwork and making it a great success for our club." Ms.Urva congratulated us. I was busy sleeping so I didn't notice she entering the classroom. "Now, all the money which we have collected will go to the poor and needy people." she added.

Ms.Urva, our english teacher and the pioneer of our 'Socio-Welfare Club'.

Yeah, She's right. We really did worked hard. Arranging tables to put up food stalls every Saturday. Cleaning and sweeping the floors, going to the canteen for buying napkins, cold drinks, running up and down to the hostel to bring utensils, cooking and bringing variety of tasty dishes for the stall, selling them, and much more.

"So, can you think of a place where we can donate it?" Ms.Urva asked.  

"Ma'am, what about old age homes?" someone suggested from behind. It was Ming from the science department. Led's cousin sister, and the most cheerful girl I've ever seen.

"Orphanages?" suggestions started coming up.

I was trying to conserve my energy for rest of the periods but Ms.Urva didn't let me to.

"Jim? Why don't you suggest one?" she asked.

"Uhm! Let's not donate it, give us a party cause we really worked hard." I suggested. The classroom filled with laughter.

Alvin's laughter was the most loudest one. Anyone can recognize him from kilometers, just by hearing his laughter.

"Ma'am, I know about an orphanage which is really old, and the children over there only gets one time meal. Even the sisters don't get much donations to feed the children. I think we should help them." Jedith informed.

"Are you crazy? Don't you know that orphanage has been closed down for like years." Led informed.

"Are you guys talking about the Red Hood Orphanage? If yes, then it's open. The nearby church donated some money to reopen that orphanage." Alvin informed.

"Why the heck everyone's informing?" I murmured.

"Alvin, can you tell me the exact location?" Ms.Urva asked.

"It'll take like 6 to 7 hours to reach there. The orphanage is located in the midst of woods near Kolipara." Alvin informed again.

"That's a really bad idea!" Richie said. "If we go there, we have to spend a night over there and I don't think they will have enough space for all of us." he added.

"But ma'am, that trip will be really helpful. I heard a kid committed suicide due to hunger. We can save them." Jedith inspired everyone.

"But my mom will not allow me to spend a night alone in the jungle." Lucy said.

"Who said we'll be spending a night in the jungle, the sisters will surely give us a warm room to sleep." Alvin said.

The classroom became noisy, I wasn't able to concentrate on my sleep. Ms.Urva calms everyone down. "Okay! Let's go there, those who want to go can come and those who can't will donate some old clothes and toys for the children over there. Is it okay?" said Ms.Urva.

"When will we be going?" asked Ron.

"After your exams, in your summer holidays." Ms.Urva smiled.

"No!!!! We can't waste our precious holidays like this." Richie screamed.

"Waste? Helping others is a waste for you? Show some more humanity. Aren't you a humanities student?" Alvin laughed again.

"It's only about 6-7 hours, after that you can get drunk, you can chill around. Thats none of my business." Ms.Urva said in a funny way.

Now the time comes, to sit on our study desks for hours and hours and spend time studying.

Three weeks aren't enough for me to complete the whole syllabus, but at least I can try. Three weeks will be gone in just a blink of an eye, it does every time when the term 'Exams' shows up.

Ron, Vinnie and Jack started taking the exams quite seriously whereas I sleep early and wake up late. It became a daily routine for me, and every time I used to get scolding from Mr.Sam.

Mr.Nick never saw me on my morning studies, once he barged in our dorm and found me sleeping. He took my nunchaku which was hanging over my bed and attacked me with that. From that day onwards, I started attending my morning studies, maybe for a week.