The Isolated Orphanage

Exams! Stress! Overthinking! Everything was taking place inside me. Nothing was going inside my brain, all day I mug up answers and the very next day, I forget everything.

I don't know what I wrote on the answer sheets, I'm sure I'm going to flunk in all the subjects. Mr.Sam willn't consider that. God help me!

But in the midst of these worries, I had a reason to be happy. 'SUMMER HOLIDAYS' woah, I waited for so long and now it's coming near. My exams were about to get over. Only one paper was left.

"Political Science, kill me please!" I cursed myself.

Ms.Yang will not spare me this time, I'm continuously failing in her subject and I'm sure I'll fail this time as well.

I opened up my political science book, and started using my old trick, mugging up everything. I know it won't help but still just to pass the time and to show Mr.Sam that I was studying, I had to act as if I am studying.

"Vinnie, pass me that water!" I said, staring at the book.

"Water? I drank it. Come with me to the washroom if you urgently need some to drink." Vinnie laughed.

"Are you kidding? Can't you see I'm trying to study?" I said. "If you don't want me to get angry, then stop all of your nonsense jokes and bring some water for me." I added.

"Well, I'm not your servant, you treat me like your servant." Vinnie said in a sad tone.

"No, you're having the wrong conception about me. Do you think that I treat you like a slave?" I asked him with my sweetest tone.

"Yes." he replied.

"Are you upset with me?" I asked again.

"Yes, I am." he replied.

"Don't be!" I smiled. "Shut up and bring some water!" I added.

He paused for a while and stood up from his bed and walked out from the dorm.

"Where the fuck are you going? Take the bottle with you." I screamed.

Just after that, Mr.Sam walked in.

"Who was the one shouting inappropriate words in my hostel?" he asked.

Jack and Ron didn't say a word, but they continuously kept staring at me.

"So, it was you, Mr.Jimmy Lee." he said and gave a terrifying smile. A smile which can make the babies cry.

And my name isn't Jimmy Lee, he just calls me because I used to practice martial arts. Honestly, I am a shame to the martial arts world.

"Why aren't you studying?" he asked.

"Actually, I was studying. I am just taking a break." I said.

"Studying for 10 minutes and taking breaks for 10 hours." he scolded. "What do you have tomorrow?" he asked.

"Political Science." I replied.

"What about you?" He asked Vinnie.

"Mathematics." he replied.

"Are you practicing? Just mind that if you fail, I'm never letting you go and play football." he warned and walked out.

"Okay sir!" We shouted altogether.

The next day, we were all ready to face our last exam. I just hope I don't fail this time. We had our breakfast, I didn't wait for the prayer bell, checked my nails and walked out of my room.

"Done?" Dona asked.

"Me? Nah! What about you?" I asked.

"Let the god decide." she said and walked ahead of me.

Girls, never trust girls. They act like they don't know a thing and later score pretty good marks. And the most irritating part is that they cry if they pass with average marks. I'd have danced all my way to home, if I was in their place.

I entered the examination hall, everyone was busy writing their names on their answer sheet. I headed towards my desk and sat down. My answer sheet was right in front of me, my legs started shivering.

"Ohhh shit!!!! Where's my pen?" I froze for a moment. I looked here and there for asking help. Everyone's eyes were stuck on their answer sheet.

"How much time they need just to write their own names?" I murmured.

"Forgot your pen?" someone questioned me from behind. I turned back. It was Ms.Sherry.

"I told you not be so much careless!" she held my hairs and started pulling it hard.

"Ahhhh...sorry ma'm…." I pleaded. "Can you lend me yours?" I added.

"Here take it. Make sure you return it back." She said and let my hairs go.

The bell rang. The teachers started distributing the question papers. I prayed for the last time, my eyes were closed, hands were joined till Mr.Nick came up to me with the question paper. I threw a look at the question paper. "What? What is this?" I froze again for a moment. 3 hours. Now, how to spend 3 whole hours without writing anything. So, I wrote whatever comes up to my mind. I remembered some of the points, so I made it long by writing the same points again and again, but in a different way. This trick helped me a lot in my 10th grade exam. I hoped this trick willn't let me down.

3 hours! Felt like 3 days. The final bell rang. My face got back its smile. I stood up and I was the first to submit my answer sheet. Ms.Yang was giving me a cold look, I know she'll kill me if I fail. Let's think positive. I was about to leave the examination hall, when Ms.Urva came with an announcement.

"Students who are interested to visit the orphanage can give their names to Richie. We will be leaving today at around 2 pm. So, please make it fast." she said and walked out.

I was not interested at all, I was thinking of going back home and spend all my holidays sleeping. But unfortunately it didn't happen that way.

Led came up to me and asked me for a favor.

"Can you please go in my place? Ma'am told me that we maximum need six students. So, I gave my name. But now, I urgently have to go my hometown, my grandpa is sick." she explained.

"Well, even I'm sick. I don't think I'll be able to go." I said and coughed a little.

"Look, if you go in my place, I will treat you. If you don't want a treat then you may leave." she fucking blackmailed me.

"Okay! Okay! You don't have to force me. I will go. But where's the treat?" I asked.

"Uh...Richie! Write down his name, he'll be going in my place." she shouted and pointed her finger towards me.

"Okay! Done!" Richie shouted back at us.

We both headed towards the canteen, she bought me a packet of potato chips and said "Take it for now, I'll treat you again after I come back."

"Wait...What was that? You betrayed me." I cried.

"I'm so sorry, I'm totally broke right now! I'll surely treat you after I come back." She joined her hands and ran away.

Huh? Shit. I cursed myself and opened the chips packet.

"Dude! Start getting ready, we'll be leaving after 20 minutes." Jedith directed.

"Who else are going?" I asked.

"Alvin, Dona, Me, Richie, You and Ming." she replied. "Go, run, quick!" she ordered.

I took a handful of chips and gave the packet to Jedith, and walked upstairs.

Everyone was busy packing, they all will be leaving today. I guess my holidays will suck.

"You're going to the orphanage, isn't it?" Ron asked.

"Yeah." I said, and threw my schoolbag at Vinnie.

Vinnie understood why I threw my bag at him.

"Two t-shirts and two jeans will be enough." Vinnie said and started packing up my bag.

I bid them farewell, hugged them and walked out.

"Mr.Sam, I'm leaving." I said, knocking at his door.

"Okay, have fun!" he said.

Two cars were parked in front of the school's gate.

"C'mon in! Jim. Take the window seat." Alvin waved his hands.

"Yeah, did you buy something to eat on the way?" I asked.

"Yes! Everything's ready! C'mon." he said.

So, we were ready for the long journey, I was ready to sleep, music was on, songs were playing.

As soon as the car started moving, I closed my eyes and the next moment I woke up in the midst of woods. I rubbed my eyes and I was amazed to see. The place was perfect, the weather was perfect, everything was perfect until we reached that isolated orphanage.

'Welcome To Red Hood Orphanage' an old signboard was placed in front of the big, tall entrance gate. Children were swinging, sliding and playing with muds.

"Welcome To Red Hood Orphanage" Alvin said.

"Everyone is happy over here! I don't know why that kid committed suicide?" Jedith sighed.

Suicide or Murder?