The No-Entry Door

I was woken up by Alvin, at around 5:30 am.

"Dude, wake up! Mrs. Urva's not letting us sleep." said Alvin. Mrs. Urva's voice was so loud, much more louder than Alvin's laughter.

"C'mon hurry up! We are about to leave." Mrs. Urva said and knocked our door.

"No man, I wasn't able to sleep properly, lemma sleep" I mumbled, as if I was talking in my sleep.

Alvin forced his pillow on my face, I was suffocating.

"Fuck you." I said and kicked him. We got into a fight.

Just then, Richie walked in, and saw me on top of Alvin's body.

"What the heck are you two doing? Making love?" Richie said. He thought it was funny.

After that, we both attacked Richie for saying that disgusting thing.

"Are you even taking my words seriously?" Mrs. Urva said and barged in and saw us into a position that I can't explain.

"What the heck are you three doing?" She said and went outside. We were semi-naked and on top of that we were in a very conplicated position.

We felt ashamed, but we knew we were fighting.

I quickly got up and headed towards the washroom, which was way too far from our room. I walked on and on. Just then, I saw that door, the door from yesterday night.


That door was actually mysterious, the signboard was rusted, the door had much cracks than my heart. I couldn't resist myself, I slowly opened the door, making sure that the old cracked door doesn't make a sound. But, it did.

Two sisters came just in time to stop me from entering that room.

"Can't you read the signboard." One of the sister said.

"Aren't you the boy who saw the shadow last night?" Another sister added.

I was speechless.

"Sorry, I thought that's the washroom." I lied.

"Washroom is over there." The sister directed.

I scratched my head, I smiled and moved on without looking at their faces.

Something wasn't right about that orphanage.

"Who was that sixth sister that I saw yesterday?" I wondered.

I was sure, it wasn't a ghost haunting the children over there. The sisters were haunting them. I had to find answers, but it wasn't easy. Mrs. Urva wants to leave as quickly as possible, so that she doesn't miss her zumba classes.

"I have to make them wait for just one more night." I said looking myself at the mirror.

I went to our room, I saw Alvin busy wearing his socks. I had to share this thing with someone.

"Alvz!" I called him.

"Get ready, we're about to move." Said Alvin, not looking at me.

"Dude, I think something's not right. I am getting a negative vibe about this place." I said and tried to explain why.

"You heard too many ghost stories last night! Fuck this place, we're leaving." He said and threw my bag at me.

The car arrived to take us back. The children were in trouble. If I try to explain them, they'll not take it seriously. So, I had to do something to know the truth. I decided to break in, not caring about the sisters and the school's reputation.

"Dudes, the car just got in. Hurry up!" Richie said and walked out, he sound excited

"Finally, I can enjoy my holidays now!" Alvin stretched his hands, he too sound excited.

But I had some other plans, to find out the truth behind that mysterious door. I was sure enough to say that door holds a thousand truths.

I went back to that old creepy door and broke in. Behind that door, lies the very truth of Redhood Orphanage. The room was dark and cold, the scene was horrifying. There were bloody equipments lying, equipments used for cutting up people into pieces.

That room looked more like an operation theater to me.

"Are they freaking cutting up children for their organs?" I murmured.

The 'No-Entry door' was actually a mini operation theater, they cut children bodies to take put their organs and do their fucking business. Now, all I had to do was inform everyone about their evil deeds. That was just a theory, I needed to prove it.

Just then, I heard Jedith's voice, she was screaming my name, they were probably looking for me.

"Where is this guy?" I heard Mrs. Urva speaking.

I turned around to answer her back, when everything went black, I started feeling a bit suffocated. Someone put a mask on me. Unfortunately, I was captured.

The sixth sister came into action.