The Sixth Sister

"You've seen the ugliest truth about this orphanage. What do you want us to do with you now." An elderly feminine voice asked me.

I was all tied up, my eyes were tied up, I must say the grip of the cloth was extremely strong, I wasn't even able to force open my eyes.

"Where are my friends?" I asked.

"Oh, don't worry about them. You actually made them wait for another night." the same elderly voice replied. "We faked a search party for you." she added.

I heard a squeaking sound, someone came in.

"What are we going to do with him?" I can hear a young feminine voice now.

"Probably we'll cut him up too, take out all his organs." the elderly voice replied.

"You're not making a penny out of my damaged organs. I'm a drinker, my livers are damaged. I'm a smoker, my lungs are damaged. I'm a heartbroken person, so my heart's damaged as well." I said and tried to free myself. I couldn't move.

"We can hang you then? Just like that other kid." said the elderly sister.

"What did you guys actually do to him?" I asked, I was curious to know about it.

"Why should I tell you that?" she coughed.

"Aren't you guys should be fulfilling death wishes?" I asked.

"Of course, we do." she coughed. "What's your death wish?" she added.

"Untie me." I demanded.

"That's not happening, my child ." the elderly sister replied.

"At least my eyes." I requested. I added a please.

She actually took that please and freed my eyes, and I saw the most horrifying thing ever. The room wasn't dark anymore. I saw jars filled with bloody body organs, and every jug had a name tag on it.

"What the heck are these?" I asked shockingly, felt like I was about to puke.

"So, here you are witnessing the ugliest truth." the elderly woman spoke.

I turned my face to look at her, and there she was standing cleaning the jugs. She was in her 70's, had wrinkles all over her face.

I found myself sitting near a corner, my hands were tied, I wasn't able to stand up.

"What did you do to that boy?" I screamed.

"Oh my,my… why are you so furious about it?" she replied. "Well, he found out what we actually do here.He thought of escaping this heavenly place and so we had to do something." she added.

"You turned a damn murder into a suicide?"

"We had no other options left. This place was closed for like years, we were running out of money. We were once pure, but this poor life of ours was biting us everyday, and then we thought of making money." she explained.

Someone barged in, it was another sister. She was unknown to me. The seventh sister.

"Sister Josie!? How are you here?" she stood there, shocked.

"Well, none of your concern, and I guess it's time." The elderly sister said, and strike a jug on her, making her unconscious.

The sixth sister somehow managed to tie her up and kept her right beside me.

"Well, you can have a conversation, after she wakes herself up. In the mean time, I'll tell the sisters to go and tell your club members not to worry about you." she said and walked out of that room.

Speaking of my club, I was sure, I'll be getting a nice hearing from Mrs.Urva. I am ready to hear from her rather than staying here with body organs.

Now, there are two helpless souls tied up,unable to escape. One was sleeping after getting hit by a jar, another one was clueless.

I tried to wake her up by vigorously shaking her body. She didn't respond, she was totally out. I heard the squeaking sound again. Sister Josie came in.

"So, I have a good news as well as a bad news for you. Wanna hear the good first?" she asked.

"Just say anything." I said.

"The good news is that, the sisters assured your club members to inform them when they'll find you. So, they are leaving without getting into any kind of trouble." she said.

"There's nothing good in it." I said.

"And the bad news is that, you'll not be able to say your last goodbye to them." she added.

"What are you planning to do with us?" I asked, I was all nervous but tried not to show any signs of nervousness.

"Maybe I'll kill you both, and hang you just like I did to that kid." She gave a evil smile.

"Where are my friends?" I asked her. "They're meeting the children for the last time." she replied.

"Did my teacher see you?" I fired another question.

"Well, I'm dead for your club members. Haven't you seen my picture out there in the corridors?" she asked. "What?" I was surprised.

"I faked my own death, with the help of the other sisters. You see, this is a really big business. After I killed that boy, I faked my own death, and then we set up a stupid sad story about not getting enough donations, just to fool people." She said.

That's why that sister was shocked after seeing her alive, everything was getting clear as crystal.

"Did I see your shadow last night?" I started asking questions to get everything clear.

"Yeah, you did. So, we had to set up another stupid horror story, just to move you out of our way, but I guess you didn't take that story seriously." She said.

The story of the sixth sister started making sense. Now, all I had to escape from her alive, which was absolutely impossible. But if there's will, there's always a way.