The Final Goodbye

Damn it! I'm stuck and there's no where to escape. Beside me, was lying an unconscious lady, who doesn't want to wake up and come back to her senses.

"Come on,sister wake up!!" I tried to shake her body. But still no response.

I had enough of this. I just need a sharp object to free myself up. The good thing was the room was filled with sharp object, but the most depressing thing was everything was out of reach.

Crawling wasn't an option, I tried crawling for like ten minutes.

"They must be gone by now." I sighed. "Why the heck did I came in here." I cursed myself.

I heard the door squeak a little, that immortal sister was back with her five angels, along with them they brought a sleeping kid. He wasn't sleeping, he was forced to sleep.

"Why the heck you all are so cruel? How can you do this to a homeless orphan kid?" I screamed.

"Lower your voice! He's sleeping." a sister said.

"No, he isn't. You freaking injected him." I was confident about it.

They laid the kid down on the operating stretcher. Elderly Josie wore up a pair of gloves.

"Well, my child! Before you die. Let me show you how are we going to cut you up." Sister Josie said.

The room, all of sudden turned into an operation theater. The smell of medicines made me a bit dizzy.

The sisters were running here and there with cottons and gauge bandages.

This is so not right, a helpless innocent kid was being cut in front of my eyes and I wasn't able to do anything. That feeling totally sucked.

Just in time, the sister beside me came back to her senses.

"Hey! Are you alright!?" I whispered.

"Yeah…I'm fine." she whispered back. "Where are we?" she asked.

"Oh! I see, she came back to her senses." Sister Josie turned and threw a look at us.

She was still in shock, she was gazing at her face, like she witnessed a ghost.

"Well, she's not a ghost. She's just a living demon." I whispered.

"Huh!?" still in shock.

The sisters were done operating the kid. The kid was taken back, he was still sleeping. Hopefully, he was alive.

"So, my child! It's your turn now." Sister Josie said to me. One of the sister headed towards me with an injection on her left hand, and they freaking injected me.

I felt dizzy, wasn't able to move.

The next thing, I woke up and saw myself riding back with my friends. They all surrounded me as if I was a celebrity.

"Where am I?" I mumbled. Was it a dream?

"Dude, you're the star right now. You saved the kids by ruining their plans." Alvin said, patting my back.

"What?" I mumbled again. How the heck did I saved them? And how did I ever managed to escape from their den?

"Are you alright, Jim?" Mrs. Urva asked.

"Yes, ma'am." I said. "Did you guys helped me getting out of that evil orphanage?" I asked.

"Well, you saved the kids, so we thought of saving you back. Remember, now we're even. We don't owe you anything." Mrs. Urva said, and then she narrated the story which I wasn't aware of.

"Let's get back to that dinner night." Mrs. Urva was about to start her story.

"After we were done eating our dinner, everyone headed towards their rooms, while I went back to the kitchen to help the sisters with the dishes. The kitchen was dark and empty, no one was present there. I went in search for the sisters, but couldn't find them. Thinking they might went to their rooms, I too went back to my room to sleep. At around 1 am, a baby cried. I came out from my room and saw Jimmy coming out from his room as well. Jimmy was trying to follow the voice, and then we both saw a lady coming out with the baby to hush her down and going back inside just as she saw Jimmy. He then headed back towards his room, while I couldn't resist myself and quietly tiptoed to that room, the door had a signboard." she stopped. "No-Entry" we both said it loud, together.

"Today morning, when you weren't lost. I met the kids to bid them farewell and I found out one kid was missing. There were total fifteen kids that night,but today morning, there was only fourteen. I smelt something fishy about it, and on top of it, there was no sign of that baby, who was crying last night. Then, I got the news from Alvin, that you were missing. I knew you were in danger, so I asked the sisters to arrange a search party, I kept the sisters busy while I went back to that No-Entry door and acted as if I was searching for you, I left a note for you. You remember?" She asked.

"No, but I did hear your voice, but when I turned back to answer, someone nabbed me." I said.

"Yeah, that was it. I heard voices coming out of that room. So, I thought of catching them all red-handed. The sisters told us that they'll inform us when they'll find you, so I set up a plan, we acted as if were leaving, and then I called up the police and told them everything about that orphanage." she stopped.

"It means you saved the kids, how I'm supposed to be the star over here?" I asked.

"Because, you were the one to put yourself into danger to save the kids. We are just the side characters of this story." Mrs. Urva replied.

That was the final goodbye to that orphanage, the kids were shifted to another orphanage, they all were rescued. But, to be honest, I didn't do anything, I didn't go inside that restricted room to save the kids, I just put myself into danger. All of them were having the wrong the conception about me, but let it be, at least I'm the star right now. Well, that's the lazy freaking detective for you.