Bad News! (2)

This revelation was not what I was expecting.

Seeing the sheepish smile on the ghost face made me understood why Sanji was kicking this fellow out.

I cleared my throat. "Well, since it's still dark out there, I'm going back to sleep now. Bye." Turning my body around, I waved goodbye to the ghost and human and closed the door hastily.

Let Sanji deal with the ghost!

But, before the door was closed, something blew in and held onto the door. As I turned around, I saw the ghost was there, working hard to keep the door open.

"Miss, Miss, please, hear me out first. Help me!" He said between his gritted teeth.

I pulled back my hands and crossed it in front of my chest again. What an acting!

"Enough. Don't act in front of me. What are you trying to do acting like that? I didn't even use much strength to close the door, yet you look like you're pushing a big stone. What do you want?"