Bad News! (3)

After Bima left, I was starting to feel uneasy. Even though, Sanji had said not to think about it too much, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. As I kept worrying about things that had not even happened, the rest of my sleep went bad. I kept getting nightmare.

It was not the same nightmare as I had at that time, the one with shadow in it.

It was like any other nightmares, where I was surrounded by darkness or being chased by monsters.

I know it sounds like a child's dream, but I was pretty sure it was monsters. Shapeless monsters.

By the time I woke up in the morning, ah it was in the afternoon, I had dark circles under my eyes and my eyes seemed to miss the softness of the pillows. Even the cold water I purposely splashed onto my face couldn't reduce the awful sensation I was feeling.

"Good morning, Jane." I could hear the teasing tone in his voice, but I didn't care.

I nodded to Sanji who was cooking our break... lunch. It was lunch time, of course.