It Was Because Of Me!

(Jane's PoV)

I watched as the man behind the door trembled, but my smile didn't falter. I kept my eyes on him, didn't even feel a slight confusion and pity after seeing him trembling like that. But, I didn't move either. I stood in front of the door unwavering, stubbornly waiting for the man to invite me in.

But, the man was still unmoved. He was neither running away nor moving forward, which looked a bit funny for me.

"Can I come in?" I asked softly. I thought I was being shameless like this, asking for the host to let me in. But, honestly I couldn't care less. I really had a strong urge to get inside, as if something was luring me in. I had a feeling that there was something 'cool' inside.

The man was startled. His eyes darted back and forth, he would look at anything but me. "Y-you, you..." He stammered, for whatever reason, I didn't know.