Help Us!

(Jane's PoV)

"I don't mind." I smiled, but even though the water was put in front of me, I didn't touch it.

I noticed the Shadows in their body soared high and watched me from above. As the negative aura increased, some of my White Army men appeared out of nowhere right behind me, dispelling the negativity around me.

Seeing my relax stance without any care in this awkward situation where I was being stared by four to five people in the room, there was a hint of confusion and astonishment in their gaze.

Maybe they thought no one had ever escaped from their pressure.

I was the odd one, then.

As I watched them, I realized the only one whose Shadow was not pressuring me was the previous man's Shadow. It was still gnawing at his neck lazily.

I could roughly guess that he was the next sacrifice prepared by this family. What his relationship with this rotten family was still unknown to me and I wasn't interested in it so far.