Lisa; Sooner or Later, I Will Find The Truth! (4)

(Jane's PoV)

It was in the afternoon, when the sun had started to go West and the temperature started to cool down. I was sitting on the rooftop of my house with Lisa, enjoying the scenery and the wind with a cup of warm tea in our hands and some sweets and snacks on the side. She came to say goodbye, saying that she would go continuing her study and work tomorrow and she had no intention to come back even though this was her hometown.

As this might be our last meeting, I braved myself and asked about her father and brother; also her other family. After she told me her story, I had the urge to curse myself to ask those questions and made her sad.

Have you ever felt so sad that your tears just suddenly rolled down your cheeks but you tried to convince yourself that you're fine? That's what happened when she told me her story.