Your Master is Stupid

(Jane's PoV)

Creepy laugh was heard from the Shadow's throat, mixed with a bit of its disgusting growl. Seeing it's scary and twisted appearance, I was sure it had forgotten its true identity. Negativity had given it a new power but it also had changed its appearance. After learning from Siji these days, I knew that these Shadows were mostly humans before. Even after their death, their greed didn't diminish, but instead it was getting stronger. With a bit persuading, they turned into human's pet, feeding of negativity and blood of living creatures, their previous human form changed into this horrid appearance.

Sometimes, some of these creatures were able to obtain a huge power and helped them to upgrade their level in the astral world, they could change their appearance to a soft and gentle woman or handsome and manly man. Compared to those who still had their human form, these beings were much more powerful and their form were much more solid than those newbie ghost.