Horror Movie in Real Life

(Jane's PoV)

I raised my free hand and a light barrier appeared in front of me. The young girl bumped into it and wailed loudly. Her previous timid and scared expression turned violent as her evil face overlapped with her innocent face.

At least her innocent soul was still there even just a little bit of it. I took a deep breath as I retracted the light barrier from my left hand. My fingers touched the girl's forehead, ignoring the overlapping shadow in her face.

"You've done a lot of misdeeds which caused you to lose yourself in it. It's hard for me to clean you off but I can help you to regain your own self. Just promise me that you'll stop harming the innocence and start cleaning yourself." I told the little girl.

The timid girl appeared for a second as she nodded her head vigorously.

"NO!" The old woman screamed in denial.