The Son Of Universe

(Tom's PoV)

I quickened my steps, afraid that I would lose whatever it was behind the rock. Whatever it was, I had a hunch that it was connected to the chain around my wrists.

"Hm? Why is it here?" A voice belonged to a young boy was heard, overlapping with the previous voice that I heard.

As soon as I stepped behind the rock, I was stunned as I was greeted by the presence of a young boy around fourteen to fifteen years old, wearing only a piece of cloth over his body but his skin color was dark with red lines, really similar to the chain around my wrists. His hair was tied in a bun on his crown with a gold hairpiece holding it in place. As he looked up, I noticed his eyes were red and there were streaks of tears on his face.

He was also wearing gold bands around his wrists with intricate patterns on it. He looked like ancient kingdom's child; no, abandoned ancient kingdom's child. He was barefoot with a pair of gold ankle bands around his feet.