How Do I Return?

(Tom's PoV)

I sighed. "Putra Semesta, or can I call you Putra? Surely you don't want me to call you Semesta, right?"

Putra glared at me even more viciously. "Putra Semesta. Don't even think to call me just one word!" He spat out angrily.

"Well, Putra, what is this chain?" Obviously, I ignored his warning. Putra Semesta was just too long to say! There's no way I would tire myself with calling him Putra Semesta all the time. Like it or not, he must accept it!

As I predicted, his face scrunched up in anger when he heard me calling him Putra. "Don't make it short! It sounds like I'm such a weak human and I don't like it! My name is Putra Semesta, I'm the terrifying Death Volcano, how could you call me like I'm a tiny puny weak human child?!"

I nodded. What he said did make sense. But, this child seriously had a bad temper. How could he shout and yell as he liked?