Jane, I'm Coming!

(Tom's PoV)

Some things could not be explained logically. I assumed, since I had become the Guardian of Death Volcano, it would be embarrassing to have a weak and thin guardian, right? So, it must have done something to my body.

My question was... would it be permanent or for a while? Would it have a side effect?

Then, another thought invaded my mind, made me forget about the side effects and everything.

I could meet Jane now!

A smile lit my face instantly at that thought. Without thinking any further, I ran into the hospital straight to my room and fetched up the phone that my uncle left to me. My excitement surged up as I dialed on my uncle's number. I gripped the phone hard and... crack!

What the!!

I was stunned and my grip loosened a bit unconsciously. I stared at the cracks on the phone in my hand.

Did I do that? Am I that strong?