Sanji (2)

(Jane's PoV)

Sanji fidgeted a bit, looking like a nervous little girl in front of her crush. I had no memory about Sanji acting this way. No matter what happened, Sanji was a strong man. I barely remembered anything that could make him devastating.

What had happened to him actually?

"I'm fine. Sorry to make you see me in this state. I'll visit you again next week after I feel better." Even the way he smiled had changed.

I looked around his small room. There was no sigh he was being haunted, or shadows disturbing him. I needed to remind myself that Sanji was an excellent exorcist, how could shadows and ghosts disturb him?

So, what caused his change?

"His spiritual flow is in disorder. That's why he looks like it." I heard Siji's voice talking from my back.

I frowned. "What happened?" I asked. Disorder spiritual flow? What could be the cause?

As I voiced out the question, Sanji must be thinking that I was asking him, but Siji knew best that I was actually asking him.