
(Jane's PoV)

The place where he landed his lips on felt undeniably hot. It rapidly spread on my whole face as I stared at him in, feeling dumbfounded with what he had done to me.

Even though it was normal for a man to kiss his fiancee, even though I was betrothed to him since I was young, and he had been beside me in recent months, we had never had an intimate skin ship. The reason? One, I was in love with Tom. I had never considered myself to cheat on him even when he was still a spirit -a spirit who managed to acquire a solid body only to make love to me and took my virginity. Two, Sanji knew that I had that kind of relationship with Tom. He never said that he would give up on me, but he also never mentioned about our betrothal. Even though he was always beside me, and sometimes joked around about what's his would be mine, he had never done something like this.