Another Handsome Man?

(Jane's PoV)

My body went full alert. Since this house was protected by my father's charm and my own men, invisible guest couldn't enter at will unless I allowed it. The fact that this 'guest' could enter the house and still remained invisible in my eyes made me vigilant.

It could be family, or strong opponent.

Which one was it?

"Jane Harris." The voice was heard again, followed by the lights of the lamps started to light up one by one.

At the same time, I moved backwards, tried to put some distance with whatever was coming for me. "Who's there?" I asked. I tried to contact Siji and the men, but somehow no one responded my call.

What happened?

"There's no need to spent your energy. They won't come." The voice said and it was as if I could see it smirked. "Your connection with them is not strong enough yet. It's easy for me to block it out."

I frowned. It sounded strong. I was sure it was not Shadow. It must be another kind of entity that I didn't know existed.