He Has No Name

(Jane's PoV)

"Are you okay?" Siji's voice had me cracked open my eyes. He was the one that cushioning my fall. He must have solidified his body in purpose to save me.

"I'm good." I inhaled sharply as the pain from before stung my body.

Putting my body on the floor, Siji stood up and blocked me from the man's view. Without seeing it, I knew that his expression hardened as his body went full alert.

"You again." He hissed.

I propped myself up to see the man was smirking with eyes full of madness.

"Siji, Siji, Siji. We meet again." His grinned turned even wider and creepier. His handsome face contorted into madness.

"Get lost!" Siji barked loudly. As he said so, the men from the army appeared and filled my house, ready to attack.

"You know I'll come back." The man said while licking his lips. His tongue looked inhuman. In that particular moment, I felt like I saw a... devil.