The Triangle Is Finally Complete

(Jane's PoV)

Siji had been acting strange lately. Usually, he would always appear in a heart beat whenever I called him. But, he got late these days. He even left me in the middle of my training several times. He didn't tell me where he went, and I didn't ask him for fear I might be too demanding.

Well, I am the Master, so it should be okay, right? However, I didn't want to do that. He only appeared a bit late, it was not like he didn't appear at all, or that he neglected his duty. I must be an understanding Master so that my men would not think of me as burdensome or annoying.

Today, he left a bit early during my training. Before midday, he returned but he used the front door. I could sense his presence, that was why I didn't stand up to open the door. He even pushed the door bell, what kind of trick was he playing?