Living Together

(Jane's PoV)

I felt lost.

I had just known that Siji loved love-triangle story a lot. He even found us amusing and watched us excitedly that I wouldn't believe that he didn't like story about love-triangle. However, before Tom and Sanji got involved further in argument, Siji reminded Tom about the reason he was brought here.

"I think you should report yourself now." Siji nodded at him.

"Report? What report?" I looked at the both of them alternately.

"Where is the Master?" Tom was snapped back to his senses as soon as he heard what Siji said.

I had a feeling the moment he said Master. Just seeing him able to communicate with Siji made me suspicious. Now that Siji mentioned about report, my assumption was likely to be correct.

I watched as Siji nodded at me nonchalantly. I also watched as Tom's face changed into confusion when he made sure that I was the one Siji pointed at.