Side Story: The Overlapping Image of Two Girls

Nataya, the Devil, was considered as one of the smartest devil back then before he knew the girl. Even so, he was rendered speechless under her glare. He really had no way out to walk away from this girl. Whatever she said, she was always true.

After kissing her that time, Nataya began to understand some points. For example, he had an even stronger urge whenever he saw the girl, including kissing, touching, hugging, and any other intimate actions that he had never understood before. However, the thing was she seemed to dislike the actions, for real or not, but she would always throw him a glare every here and then.

Therefore, the Devil returned to his post, watching her from afar and this time, he had made sure to protect her well. He had even managed to convince her to let him be her sparring partner and to give her some pointers about her new found ability.

Whatever the girl wanted, he would make sure to help her achieve that.