Meeting An Old Acquaintance

(Jane's PoV)

What those Elders said was true. I looked at my watch and saw that it was nine forty five in the morning. However, it looked like it was still around five to six in the morning. The mist was ridiculously thick! Honestly, I only thought when they told me it would be misty for the next three days, it would be like the mist near my house. However, this mist was even thicker, it resembled smokes.

If it was not for the drop of temperature and the damp feeling I got after standing too long outside, I would think that the forest was on fire.

"What's going on? Why is there thick mist out here? I thought it's still early so I went back to sleep." Tom who had just woken up and cleaned himself asked as he came out to stand near me.

I squinted my eyes as I noticed he didn't feel cold at all. Here I was wearing thick jacket and even two layers of socks and a pair of thick gloves, but he didn't even flinch with the cold.