SIDE STORY: Siji Lost Control!

Nataya grinned as she successfully blocked his attack. He didn't use his spiritual power to attack her, but he used it to block them from the others. That way, her friends wouldn't be able to interfere with their fight. Not even that advisor of hers.

He watched as her gaze turned sharper and serious. There was no fear or hesitant like she used to have in her eyes. She was ready to take on his challenge, but Nataya couldn't predict anything about her.

"You've grown up." He said while grinning excitedly.

"Thanks." She shrugged her shoulders but Nataya could sense that she had not lowered her guard even just for a bit.

"Do you still have any strength to fight with me? Surely that human over there couldn't possibly tire you out, right?" Nataya took a glance at the young man and his advisor who were watching at them with bewildered eyes.