The Only Female Advisor

(Jane's PoV)

It was one day before the meeting. It was early in the morning when someone adorned in flirtatious red silk robe appeared in my house –I mean, the place I was staying at. She was lucky I had been awake for some time that I was fully sober when I welcomed her arrival.

If I were sleepy, my first instinct was to attack any stranger inside my house, human or not.

When she appeared, the others were still sleeping. Tom and Sanji were still sleeping. They had been going through a lot since the last time they saw the Devil fought with me. Their state of helplessness seemed to boost their motivation to train like hell. I had no idea what kind of training they were having with Siji as their mentor, but they had been behaving oddly ever since.

Talking about Siji, he also had changed ever since that time. He became more attentive towards me and had been beside me more than before.