You Don't Have to Blame Yourself

(Jane's PoV)

"Relax yourself." I smiled at him. "I won't do anything stupid to you, don't worry. After all, you're my mentor." I laughed seeing him stiffened up, looking at me as if I was going insane and probably planning to devour him raw.

Siji probably got convinced by me, even though he was still a bit suspicious towards me. However, his stiffened body relaxed after some time.

"Close your eyes and listen to my words. Don't interrupt me, okay? Just listen and think about it carefully." I spoke slowly to him.

"Siji, there's no such thing as bad luck star. People are born with their own destiny and their own path until the end. Sshh, let me finish it up." I hushed him as soon as he tried to cut my sentence.