Bonding Through The Ages (1)

(Jane's PoV)

Sanji used his authority as a lecturer to join the activity of Civil Engineering Department. Well, he wasn't the only one outside the Civil Engineering's area, actually. Since he was handsome and had many admirers, of course the other lecturers and the committee let him come with us. His victorious smile was quite annoying to see, but I believed he did so to annoy the hell out of Tom.

Talking about Tom, that man was sulking when I told him that I was going to have a three days outing class and Sanji was going to follow me there since he was a lecturer. Since the camping site was locked from any outsider during the event, there was no way he could go there with his identity. He couldn't find any reasons to be with us and Siji seemed to have plans for him as well. So, even if he found any reasons to come with us, I believed he would still follow Siji's plans since that Advisor told him that it was beneficial for our next mission in the Grand Meeting.