Bonding Through The Ages (2)

(Jane's PoV)

After getting what we were searching for, we returned to the camp to join in the fun -if watching the girls had a hard time setting up their tents considered as fun, of course. Sitting on a plastic tool, we sat back without having any intention to help them while munching on cookies.

Why should we help them? Wouldn't we disturb their ploy to attract the attention of the boys if we did help them? Who would be so stupid to do that? It was really the perfect decision to sit and watch.

When the girls finally called out for the boys to help them, I instinctively looked beside me only to find our eyes met -the four of us. An understanding smile appeared on our face as we realized that we were thinking the same.

This is getting good, I thought. After communicating mostly with ghost for months, I finally gained a human to human relationship and it wasn't even a romantic one. Oh, how I miss this kind of interaction so much!