Bonding Through The Ages (3)

(Jane's PoV)

"Don't you think this place is a little bit creepy?" Yuni, who was sitting next to me, whispered lightly. "I've been having this strange thought that something is watching us."

I wasn't surprised that this girl was kind of sensitive. After all, she was a girl who found supranatural things interesting.

"You're just overthinking." I smiled at her.

Yuni squinted her eyes and looked straight at me. "I noticed you've looked behind us for three times already. Don't tell me you didn't feel it."

"Well, I was just enjoying the view."

"What view?"

"The sun disappearing behind those trees. Come on. Don't frighten yourself like that. I truly didn't see or sense anything." Wow, I lied easily. What had happened to me? I didn't even blink when I said that.