Not On My Watch

(Jane's PoV)

"What can you do to me? I didn't come with my body, there's no reason for him to be jealous. Unless, you purposely leave the crucial detail from him."

Sanji chuckled. He might do that, after all, teasing Tom was always fun for him. As the one who had been holding the neutral force, I couldn't side with one of them.

It was a good thing that he didn't talk about it further.

"So, what happened out there? I heard someone shouted ghost just now."

So, I told him what had happened briefly. As expected, his reaction was similar to those astral beings outside when I explained to them the reason I took the matter into my hand to scare the poor couple away. He was stunned and I could only scratch the non existent itch on my face while turning my face away from him awkwardly. Was it that bad?