Teamwork (1)

(Jane's PoV)

After watching those girls leaving our sight, I was met with Daisy's calm eyes. I thought she was going to confront me about something, but to my surprise, she wasn't.

"Go clean yourself. They will be delivering breakfast soon." I flinched when she reached out to my face, only to find that she was moving a strand of my hair away from my cheek.

"Ah, I'll go now." I nodded obediently and went to retrieve my things in the tent before I went towards the public bathroom.

"I'm going with you." Alivia chased after me with her own basket and a towel in her hands.

I waited until we were a bit far from the tent before I looked at my junior who was walking behind me obediently. It was still early in the morning, so not many of the girls had woken up.

"What happened just now? Who were the girls before?"

Alivia sighed. "I remembered seeing them with the girl from yesterday. You know... who got into a scandal."