Teamwork (2)

(Jane's PoV)

The pair of red eyes, which were the only discernible from its dark pitch and shapeless body, were looking at us eerily. They were sinister, a promise of fear and agony for a very long time. It was not a ghost; it was a shadow.

A remarkably evil shadow.

It was a good thing that I managed to stop Daisy from approaching that malicious being. It scared me when I thought of the possibility of harm it could cause to Daisy if she made a contact unknowingly with it.

"What's wrong?" Daisy looked at me weirdly.

"Ah, I thought I saw a big rat there." It was a lie, of course. How could I say that there was a shadow there?

"Rat? Are you sure?"

I nodded quickly and walked past her in a haste. I needed to get closer to the shadows to ensure their safety. "Stay behind me. I'll check first." I told them.