Teamwork (3)

(Jane's PoV)

"Human, you can see me." From the way it talked, it seemed like it wasn't a wild and low level shadow. Also, it seemed to have existed for a long time.

I bit my tongue, holding myself not to respond since it would only create a commotion. As much as I was curious, I couldn't openly ask this shadow about anything.

"Let's go! Our second item is waiting!" Yuni shouted excitedly as a card with a stamp of first checkpoint was being pocketed by Alivia.

I shifted my eyes towards my friends and acted like I didn't see the shadow. It was too late, I know, but it wasn't the point.

After all, high level shadows weren't only smart and evil, they were also highly curious about human who could see them. More importantly, I didn't react strongly like what normal humans would do.

It would surely follow me!