Finding Clues

(Jane's PoV)

The excited shouts from my teammates accompanied the blooming smile on my face. The previously tensed muscles started to loosen up as soon as I heard the news. It was great! I didn't need to redo this troublesome challenge.

"Hurry! We need the stamp!" Daisy's words reminded us that we didn't have enough time to rest.

After getting our second stamp, we moved towards the third challenge. Everything went well. We had our fun in the third and the last challenge. Other than the second one, the rest of the challenge was solving riddles and finding things. The placement of the last two items were really random. The third one was hung above a small pond with only a long rope and a long tongs being provided at the site. The last one was even more random; it was hung on a 3 meters high street lamp. There was no ladder or benches around and we couldn't possibly climb the pole.