The Chained One

"Ha...Ha..." A boy about 9 years old was panting as he struggled to run around a courtyard while carrying a large stone.

As he paced across the courtyard there were three other boys watching him. Two of them were around his age while the other were clearly older than him by a year or two.

"Come on, Zen! If you dare stop then I'll beat your ass again, you worthless trash." Said the oldest of the boys.

'Just you wait, once I awaken my Soul Armament I'll make sure you regret this!' Zen stared daggers at the three for only a moment before concealing it.

Even from a young age he understood how the world worked, the strong are revered while the weak are oppressed. Those two other boys are sucking up to the older boy to bully him. Their reason is simple, they were from different branches in the family.

They belonged to the Silver Stallion Clan, famed for raising many exceptional Knights and known for their loyalty to the King. To the outside, it might seem that each family member inside the Clan lived in harmony but inside is a different story. There were six branches that continuously fought for the Head position and because of that the succeeding generations have always clashed with one another.

Zen was the Son of the Second Elder, the Head of the Second Family branch. While the other three boys where from the Fifth Family branch.

"Hey! What are you three making the Second young master do?!" Suddenly a charming young lady angrily rushed towards them.

The three boys immediately straightened up after seeing her rushed towards them.

The young lady quickly helped Zen and checked if he strained himself or something. After confirming that he wasn't injured, the young lady glared at the three boys.

"Sister Angela, I think i heard my dad calling for me. I'll be on my way." One of the younger boys nervously laughed and walked away quickly while scratching his head.

"I-i think my dad is calling for me too, hehe." The other younger boy said and followed him.

The older one didn't say anything and left without saying much, as he walked he stared at Zen as if saying 'You're lucky Sister Angela was here to help you'

Naturally Zen saw this and glared back 'I'll be sure to pay you back for this.'

"Zen, why are you letting yourself get bullied like that?" Angela asked.

Zen warily laughed, dusting himself he answered. "What can I do, Big sis Angela? They had that Adam fellow, if it weren't for him I could take care of those two myself."

"Then do you want me to help you?" Angela had a caring look as she asked.

"There's no need, Big sis. Sometimes a man has to do things himself." Zen determinedly answered.

Hearing this, Angela smacked him in the head and said. "Look at you acting like you're so mature."

Zen laughed. "Hehe."

After that they both head back to the Second Branch Manor. While walking, Angela remembered something and asked Zen.

"Oh right, Zen. Have you finished exploring that cave we found in the forest?"

Hearing this Zen answered with a disappointed look. "Not yet. That cave leads to bunch of different cave system and it'll take more time if i want to finish exploring it."

It was a year ago, while Zen and Angela was out in the forest hunting. While chasing a deer, they unexpectedly discovered a cave where they found a couple of gems. The two decided to keep it a secret between themselves. At first they took turns every three days exploring the cave but it was also then that Angela awakened her Soul Armament so she had to focused on her training. Which lead to Zen exploring that cave all by himself.

"Oh? How much of it have you explored?" Angela asked, it has really been a while since she's been in that cave.

Zen looked up, remembering his experience. "The Cave entrance led to three other cave system, I've already explored two of them. I found that Cold Silver Metal that you used for your sword on the first cave system. Then I found this feather on the second one."

Taking out the Feather which he made into a pendant, Zen showed Angela.

"Wow, it's beautiful! Speaking of which, I'm sure I've thanked you many times for that Cold Silver Metal that you gave me, that sword forged from it truly helped me in my training. Again, Thank you. There's still a chunk of it if you want it."

Zen shook his head and smiled at her. "No need, Big sis use it if you need it."

Hearing this, Angela smiled and ruffled his head. "Alright, thank you again. I'll go back to my training now. Don't let me catch you being bullied again, you brat."

Zen looked at her resolutely and said. "There will come a time where no one will bully me anymore."

After that they went their own ways and Zen went back to his home. Just reaching the front gate he already heard his father's voice laughing joyously. Curious, he went in quick to find out what was going on.

"Dad, what's going on." Zen opened the door and saw his father holding his mother by the waist as he held her up and they spun.

"Put me down already, you big oaf." His mother smacked his father on the head before being gently put down.

These two were Zen's parents, the Second Family Branch Head, Claude and his mother Sherry

"So? why is dad so happy?" Zen asked again

His Father laughed again and said. "How can i not be Happy? You'll be getting a brother or a sister very soon, so tell me? Should i not be happy?"

Hearing the reason, Zen immediately became happy as well and rushed towards his mother with gleaming eyes. "Really?"

Seeing the excitement from both Father and Son, the mother laughed and nodded.

"Oh yes! I'm having a sibling~ I'm having a sibling~ I wonder if its a boy or a girl? Can't we know now mom?" Zen sung slightly out of joy and asked his mother.

"You brat, I just found out about it this morning and you're already asking if its a boy or a girl?" Honestly his mother was happy as well because of the upcoming addition to their happy family.

Then his father cut in. "Your mother's right Zen, it doesn't matter if its a boy or a girl. You must protect and love your sibling, alright?"

Zen quickly straightened his body and placed his right hand on his chest as if saluting and he declared. "If anyone tries to bully my sibling in the future, I'll break all their limbs."

Hearing this, his parents were first stunned before smiling. His words sounded very aggressive but it showed how much Zen cared for this coming sibling of his.

Zen and his parents had lunch first before they headed for the central courtyard. This place was where the Clan tested the aptitude of each children of the Clan as well as awaken their Soul Armament.

Soul Armament are usually awaken when the child reaches ten years old and Zen was approaching his tenth birthday so it didn't matter much if they awakened his Soul Armament ahead of time.

At the Central Courtyard there was a large blue crystal monument, this was a Soul Crystal which contained immense amount of Heavenly Energy and is used to stimulate the Soul to awaken the Armament.

The Silver Stallion Clan was famed for producing knights and each member usually had a sword or a spear Soul Armament. Zen's Big sister Angela and that older boy that bullied him both had a Sword Soul Armament. As the son of the Second Family Branch head, many were expecting Zen to not only have a sword Soul Armament but also a high grade one.

1 Star ~ 5 Star -Mortal Grade

1 Star ~ 5 Star -Earth Grade

1 Star ~ 5 Star -Heaven Grade

These were the ranking of a Soul Armament's grade, the Mortal Grade is represented by a White light, the Earth Grade is represented by Yellow light and the Heaven Grade has a Golden Light. Zen's father had a 3 Star - Earth Grade Soul Armament.

"Second Family Head Claude."


Just as they arrived, they were greeted by an Elder. Zen and his mother quickly bowed in respect.

"Alright, Zen was it?" The Elder stroked his beard and asked.

"Yes, Elder." Zen quickly answered.

The Elder led Zen towards the Crystal and said. "Placed you hand on the Crystal and calm your mind, do not be surprised and no matter what happens don't let go of the crystal."

Zen determinedly nodded, he had already heard that the awakening involved some pain during the process but he prepared himself for this.

Placing his hand on the Crystal and closed his eyes, he took a couple of heavy breath.

Seeing this the elder nodded, praising the child's ability to calm himself. This trait was unlikely for a 9 year old kid to have.

The Crystal slowly glowed till the entire Central Courtyard was illuminated by that light.

Zen felt a warm sensation on the surface of his palm where there was contact with the Crystal. It then began to heat up, at first it was bearable but soon it became hard for Zen to bare with it. It showed on his face as it contorted. It lasted for a while before Zen forcefully told himself to calm down, his breathing returned to normal and he then felt the burning sensation tone down and a warm feeling flowed into him from the palm of his hand.

When the warm feeling of Heavenly Energy reached his chest, his heart throbbed and soon enough he was assaulted by pain as the Heavenly Energy cut a piece of his soul and gave it form.

From Zen's skin, Metallic Liquid droplets began to surface and float over him. They gathered and formed a liquid ball.

"Strange, I don't recognize this type of Soul Armament." Zen's mother commented on the side.

"Neither do I." Zen's Father, Claude also commented.

It didn't take long before the light from the Crystal vanished and the Metallic Liquid floated down towards Zen's hand. Zen opened his eyes and saw the Metallic Liquid hovering over his hand and he was ecstatic to have awaken his Soul Armament even if he doesn't recognize what kind of armament was this one.

His parents looked towards the Elder who they saw was having a downcast expression and they immediately knew that this wasn't a good sign.

Zen, who was clueless went up to the elder with his Soul armament and asked. "Elder, can you tell me what the grade of my Soul Armament?"

"No grade..."

"No grade?" Zen asked, he didn't know what this meant.

The elder then spoke "It means that your Soul Armament didn't finish it's awakening, it's what you would call a incomplete Soul Armament that's why it has no grade."

Seeing Zen's pure smile, the elder wanted to lie but he shouldn't and thus he answered honestly. Hoping that this child would be able to get over this and get stronger.

The elder's answer broke something inside Zen and he stood there motionless. He thought that once he awakened his Soul Armament he would be able to defend himself, he would be able to fight back against those that wanted to harm him. That he would be able to defend his sibling that was coming.

It was as if they could hear something breaking and Zen's parents slowly walk towards him, unsure how they should approach him regarding this event.

"Zen..." His mother wanted to reach out and hug him.

"...I'm okay mom. I- I'll be going..." Zen turned his back and ran away as a tear fell from his eyes.

"Zen!" His mother tried to ran after him but a hand stopped her. She turned around and saw her husband with a serious look.

"Claude!" She shouted.

"Let him vent his emotions first, this event has effected his mood greatly. No matter what we do it won't do much. Let him grieve, let him vent."

"But-" Sherry wanted to say something but deep inside she knew her husband was right. No matter what they say or how they comforted Zen it won't matter, it might even worsened the situation. So it was best if Zen vent and sort his emotions himself.

Zen ran with tears falling out of his eyes as he went toward the cave he and Angela discovered. This was the place he knew best and was sure no one else knew about it besides the two of them. As he entered the cave, he continued walking forward not knowing that he walked towards the final cave system which he hasn't finished explored yet.

His mind was filled with what just happened and he just walked without minding where he was going.

He followed the cave system which was strangely in a straight line and when he reached the end, he was stunned as he felt himself falling and tumbling down a staircase.


Zen landed heavily on the ground below the staircase, he groaned as he stood up. Luckily he was well built even for his age. He looked around as he wiped the tears of his face.

'Did i unknowingly entered the last cave system?' he thought

Maybe it was because of this sudden discover or that fall he just experienced but Zen temporarily forgot about the issue about his Soul Armament and began to explore this final cave system. After falling down the staircase, there only a short hallway which was strangely made of stone bricks.

This showed that this was man made and the condition of the stone bricks showed that this were done a long time ago.

Zen followed this hallway and when he reached the end he saw a open space which was lit by colorful crystal on the cave roof. But what took his shocked him the most was when he saw the end of the open space.

There was a giant stone wall and on that stone wall was a...chained Angel with Six wings.