His Story...

In a far away land, where mountains towers over the vast land and reached the starry skies...

Atop one of these mountain a beautiful man sat, feeling the gentle feeling of the grass beneath his hands. He had shoulder length blonde hair that fluttered along with the wind creating the illusion of a river of golden stars. His face was proportionate and was near perfection with clear blue eyes to compliment his blonde hair, eyelashes that would make women jealous and a jaw line that added a sharpness to his looks.

He had a lean but well shaped body which makes you think that he's a fragile but the aura coming off him was akin to a lion. On his back were six wings that glowed a yellow hue, they weren't big wings but were just a foot and a half at least in width and two and half meters in length. These wings seemed fluffy as if it was groomed by a goddess and yet each feather had a sharp look.

He was indeed a being that was close to perfection.

Spending his time looking at the starry skies, he mulled over what could he do with his near infinite time. Then it was here that another winged figure flew down and hovered over him.

"Lucifer, So this is where you were, brother..." said the man.

Lucifer stood up and even though he was just sitting on grass there wasn't any sign of dust on him.

"Michael, what made you come all the way here?" Lucifer asked with a smile.

Looking at this older brother of his, there were some similarities. If Lucifer could be said to have embody the full meaning of "Grace" with his beauty and temperament. Then Michael could be said to have embodied the meaning of "Valor"

Michael had long Silver hair that dropped to his waist which shone like blades as they flutter. He had golden eyes which exude tranquility and also sternness. Though his face was not as beautiful as Lucifer's, Michael had the reliable knightly look. Handsome and brimming with confidence and righteousness.

Michael's body build was also lean but he was bigger than Lucifer and his muscles were much more defined which really gave him the feeling of a Knight.

Landing a few feet away from Lucifer, Michael's feet gently touched the ground.

"There's been a strange occurrence that happened down in the mortal realm, a few angels were supposed to go down and investigate but I asked them to let me handle it."

Stretching, Lucifer sluggishly asked.

"And? What does that have to do with me?"

Michael then said. "I'm asking you to come with me."

Hearing this, Lucifer quickly turned and shot a strange look at Michael. "Huh? What for?"

As if expecting this reaction, Michael warily laughed and asked with open arms.

"Come on, as if you have some to do. You're bored aren't you? Then what better thing to do than to go out and explore?"

"But the Mortal realm? Really Michael? You could've chosen a better place if you wanna go exploring." Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

But Michael didn't answer and laughed as he shook his head. He disappeared from his place and appeared behind Lucifer clutching an arm over his neck and dragging him as they jumped over the mountain they were on.

Lucifer felt as if space itself bend as the sight before him transform into a blur and the light kept passing them.

"Michael you-" Before even finishing his sentence, Lucifer felt Michael's arm loosen and when he observed his surroundings they were already down in the Mortal realms

Lucifer was strong, probably in the top ten within Heaven but his brother Michael...

Known as the "Vanguard of God" the "Judicator of the Heavenly Law" his strength was well known among angels and even among the various clans in the Divine realm. He leads the entire Angel Army and has claimed countless victories with his tactics and strength. For him to be the trusted aid of God spoke of his strength.

So, although Lucifer was probably on par with Michael he wouldn't cross his brother over nothing especially something this simple.

Lucifer wanted to complain but when he turned to Michael all he saw was that caring smile his older brother showed him since they were all and quick enough his complaints vanished.

"Sigh..." Since he was already here, he might as well accompany his brother.

They flew slowly across the skies of the Mortal realm and they passed over mountains, rivers and forest. Sometimes they would even see various tribes of humanity as they were just starting to create civilization.

"So, what are we doing here again?"

Michael didn't turn and just stared forward as he answered. "Earlier, the Crown guards detected a strange fluctuations of divine energy north of here."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow and asked "What's so strange about it?"

"Humanity are still premature to be able to cause such a phenomenon even with their Pagan deities it's still not enough. That leaves just a couple of possibilities, we've already investigated the possibility of someone from the other clans in the Divine realm but there wasn't any record of evidence that a divinity went down to the Mortal realm."

Hearing this, Lucifer furrowed his brows. "Strange."

"Exactly, so that's why a group of Angels were supposed to be sent to investigate and since we were both free, I thought it wouldn't make much difference if we were the ones to investigate the matter." Michael spoke.

The flew for a couple more seconds till they reached a vast forest near a mountain.

"We're here." Michael said and there no trace of calmness, he was serious.

They entered a cave and followed to its end. There were countless moments where Lucifer wanted to complain and just blow this cave to kingdom come.

"What the- Why the hell is this thing here?!"

Upon reaching the end of the cave, they saw a large wall and half circle altar beneath it. It gave off a strong feeling of suppression and made the two of them feel nervous.

"Divine Punishment Altar...One of the Nine Divine Treasures and it's here in the mortal world." Lucifer was stunned.

Before everything in the universe began there was nothing, except the fundamental laws that would constitute the world. The basic foundations upon which the world itself works and from these Laws came the Nine Divine Treasures ranked based on the Law they were born from.

1st ranked Treasure : The Wheel of Life...

2nd Ranked Treasure: The Cloak of Death...

3rd Ranked Treasure: The Spear of Destiny...

4th Ranked Treasure : The Spatial Sword...

5th Ranked Treasure: The Time Saber...

6th Ranked Treasure: The Tribulation Stone...

7th Ranked Treasure: Heaven Blinding Shroud...

8th Ranked Treasure: Divine Punishment Altar...

9th Ranked Treasure: Chains of Heaven...

"Brother we have to report-" Lucifer was astonished to found one of the divine treasures and was about to suggestion reporting this to Heaven when he picked up a sense of threat.

Immediately, Lucifer and Michael faced the direction where the threat came from, their wings stretched and glowed brightly. Their aura surged as the intent to battle soared. Michael summoned a silver spear adorned with red gems and engraved with runes. It lit up and gave off a feeling as if a sleeping dragon was just awoken. Lucifer on the other hand summoned a Golden Sword engraved with a sun with a star in the middle of it, it was engraved on the base of the sword. Bluish white flames that danced around the blade.

Out from the darkness seven giant figures emerged. They looked like abominations mixture of humans and other creatures.

The First one was the most normal looking out of the seven, he had a normal human body's size but his limbs were of a Lion's and his skin was shining gold. There were also a man over his shoulder all the way to the back and he even had a tail.

Meanwhile the others were clear monstrous creatures, one was a large serpent that had a length of more than 40 meter meters and a width of 3 meters a woman's upper body on top of it's head. Another was a large man with a goat's horn and hooves from its feet. Then there was one who was a large boar standing over 10 meters with serrated tusks and another of these monster was a large spider. Behind them was a large figure, larger than the boar it was a Crocodile that was standing on two legs and was carrying a large blade. Lastly, was a woman with bat wings and a tail. She was standing close to the Lion-like man and there were balls of flames hovering over her palm.

Without warning these monsters attacked, starting with the Serpent who slithered forward with speed that you wouldn't expect from it's large body.

Lucifer and Michael's gaze turned sharper. Michael jumped up and his spear light up, Lucifer stayed on the ground and decided to face the monster head on. The flames on his sword surged as he thrust forward with grace to the incoming Serpent.

The Serpent opened it's large mouth attempting to swallow Lucifer whole but when it's fangs and Lucifer's sword were about to make contact Lucifer suddenly pulled back his sword. In a swift and elegant manner he spun counter-clockwise as he moved away from the path of the Serpent. Just as he finished his turn he slashed down his sword and several images of Lucifer appeared all over the Serpents body.

It happened in a blink of an eye but as soon as the images of Lucifer disappeared, multiple wounds opened across the Serpent's body and blood spurt out of them.

On the other hand, as Michael jumped up he was suddenly met with the large body frame of the Crocodile creature as it swung down it's large blade. Michael furrowed his brows and in swift movement he quickly parried the strike and followed up with a attack of his own.

He also produced after images of his own but it was much smaller in number compared to Lucifer. Michael produced five after images attack the limbs and the neck of the Crocodile. Much like Lucifer, wounds opened and blood flew out.

Just after he finished attacking, a barrage of fire balls come down on him. Luckily he was fast enough to jump back. But while he was in mid air, a figure suddenly appeared above him and slammed him down with both hands.


Michael landed hard on the ground, it was the Lion-like man who attacked him. He was definitely surprised by the speed of this Lion-like man. But Lucifer wasn't just dilly dallying either, his fists were already an inch away from the Lion's face and sure enough it made contact.


The Lion was blown downwards by Lucifer's punch and landed hard, much harder than Michael did.

Lucifer quickly returned to Michael's side.

"Thank you, brother. I was caught off guard, it won't happen again." Michael said as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

"Make sure of that." Lucifer said with a serious tone and stood in front of Michael.

Michael held his spear with both hands and the runes engraved on the spear lit up. Almost immediately a dominating pressure washed over the monsters and overwhelmed them. This was Michael's true power, what made him well known across the heavenly realm.

He had his power stored inside his spear and allowed it to accumulate endlessly. Normally this wouldn't be possible but because of Michael's vast knowledge about the different Divine Paths he was able to derive and construct runes that allowed him to store his power into his spear. Now because most denizens of the Heavenly realm are near immortal, Michael has spent close to an eternity storing his powers inside his spears.

Activating the runes on the spear, releases the power that has been stored up as it flows continuously into Michael. This steady flow of Power allows Michael to always be at his best. He can execute large attacks continuously and even the gravest of wounds will get healed fast.

But most importantly, Michael can surpass his limit and achieve a connection with the Divine path for a minute. This means that in that one minute he is the closest being to the Creator.

Feeling his brother's power growing at an alarming rate, Lucifer smiled. They were at a disadvantage before before there were only two of them while the enemy had seven and they don't even know their full capabilities but those won't matter anymore now that Michael has released his true powers.

Lucifer was fully confident that as long as Michael here it doesn't matter how strong or how many enemies were there, they would all fall to Michael's spear.

For he was Heaven's Shield and Spear, the Vanguard of God.

"You done charging up?" Lucifer asked, though he was confident he didn't take his eyes off their opponents.

"Yeah." Michael answered.

Lucifer kept his sword up and his aura to the maximum, any movements the opponents made he would know and he could counter them at any given moment. But even so, there were seven of them and only one of him so he glad that Michael was done releasing his powers.

"Alright! Let's slaughter these monstro...si...ties...Huh?"

Just as he was about to lunge forward, Lucifer felt a strange sensation on his chest. He looked down to see a spear head that he was all too familiar with. He slowly looked back and he felt his heart being crushed to a million pieces.

Michael was behind him holding the still embedded spear to his chest and there was a sinister smile on his face. He then withdrew his spear and Lucifer fell on the ground as blood continued to stain the earth. Michael walked towards him and said with a smile.

"Man~ I didn't things would go this well."

Hearing this, Lucifer felt even more crushed by the turn of events but there was something in him that slowly broke and he struggled to get up on his feet.

"WHY!? WE ARE MY BROTHERS! WE SHARED LIFE AND DEATH TOGETHER! WE HAVE SPENT AN ETERNITY TOGETHER...SO WHY?!" Lucifer was filled with rage and even as he summoned everything he had left, he still stumbled down.


With eyes gleaming with hate, Lucifer growled. Even if his face felt the earth, even if blood were rising up his throat. He had to ask.